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Table of Contents

titleDSpace 7 Updates from OR2018

At OR2018 (June 2018), several talks/workshops gave an overview of the latest DSpace 7 work and the new technologies behind it.

DSpace 7 Updates, Demo and RoadMap

  • DSpace 7 Update Slides: (Includes updates, What is coming in DSpace 7, estimated roadmap, and screenshots of the live demo)
  • DSpace 7 Recorded Demo:  (Includes a preview of REST API, Browse, Search, and a detailed demo of the enhanced Submission & Workflow functionality. This is an extended version of the live demo given at OR2018 in conjection with the "DSpace 7 Update Slides")

DSpace 7 Technical Workshops

titleMore Information / Background on DSpace 7

Background information on the DSpace 7 Release available at DSpace 7 UI Project Plain Language Summary.

More information, including some FAQs available at DSpace Release 7.0 Status

titleDSpace 7 Updates from OR2019

DSpace 7 had a large presence at OR2019 in Hamburg, Germany, including two workshops and seven major talks.

All the materials (slides, etc) and video recordings from OR2019 are available off the wiki page DSpace 7 at OR2019.  Please note that workshops were not recorded, but all materials (slides / code examples) are linked off that page.

Scope & Objectives

The goal of this working group, led by Tim Donohue, is to create a new, single User Interface (UI) for DSpace that implements all functionality currently available in JSPUI and XMLUI.  The UI will interact with DSpace core data through a completely new REST API to insure complete separation of the user layer from the data layer. This working group is split into two subteams: an Angular Subteam, led by Art Lowel (Atmire), which is concentrating on building a modern, responsive, client-side user interface using Angular and a REST API Subteam, led by Andrea Bollini (4Science), which is concentrating on building a new REST API based on state-of-art technologies, standards and best practices.



  • Code Contributions: Generally, our working group follows the documented DSpace Code Contribution Guidelines and Code Style Guide.
  • Join one of our weekly meetings (see below). Meetings tend to be hands-on, but we welcome newcomers.
  • Developers are welcome to jump in and claim tickets for either Angular UI or REST API We maintain a list of easier tickets specifically for new developers to learn about the contribution process (If none of these tickets look interesting, or the list is getting small, please get in touch and we'll find an easy task for you to start with)
  • DSpace 7 Community Sprints : Starting in May 2018, we are running  : We run regular, public development sprints with anyone who wants to contribute. No prior experience with DSpace 7 is necessary, and it's a great opportunity to learn DSpace 7 in a "hands on", collaborative environment (Sprint Coaches are available for questions).
  • Join one of our weekly meetings (see below). Meetings tend to be hands-on, but we welcome newcomers.
  • Claiming tickets for either Angular UI or REST API also welcome. See ticketing systems linked above.
  • Get in touch with the team via Slack. We'd be glad to talk about other ways to contribute


  • Meetings: We meet every week on Thurs at 14:00UTC (10am EDT(see schedule below), using the DSpace Zoom Meeting Room (using Slack as a backchannel).  Anyone is welcome to join these meetings.
    • Meetings typically last one hour. We post a weekly reminder on our Slack channels (see below), along with a brief agenda.
    • Meeting notes are all available below.
    • Meeting Room:  (For telephone options, see DSpace Meeting Room)
  • Slack: Between meetings, we encourage usage of Slack to keep in touch and ask questions. If you have not yet joined the DSpace Slack, you may request an invite. All are welcome on Slack.
    • In Slack, we primarily use two channels:
      • #angular-ui : For DSpace 7 (Angular) UI updates, discussions and/or questions.
      • #rest-api : For DSpace 7 REST API updates, discussions and/or questions.
  • Email: We use standard DSpace lists to communicate updates, meetings, etc. We are primarily using dspace-devel (our developers mailing list) and Slack for these communications. Once we get further along, regular updates will also be announced on dspace-community (and other lists).

Next Meeting

Next meeting will be on Thursday, August 23 from 14Meetings are every Thursday (except where noted in agendas) from 15:00-1516:00 UTC (10am-11am EDTEST) in (DSpace Meeting Room)

  • Agenda:
    • Updates on latest efforts (either Angular UI or REST API)
    • Discussion of Exception Handling in Spring (establish our best practices)
    • (Last 10-15 minutes) Review / Update DSpace 7 Development Planning Spreadsheet
    • (Attendees are welcome to bring additional topics)

Meeting Notes


August 16, 2018


August 9, 2018


August 2, 2018


July 19, 2018


July 5, 2018


June 28, 2018


June 21, 2018


No meetings on June 7 or 14 cause of OR2018 & team travel conflicts


May 31, 2018


May 24, 2018


May 3, 2018


April 26, 2018


April 19, 2018


April 12, 2018


April 5, 2018


March 29, 2019


March 22, 2018


March 15, 2018


March 8, 2018


March 1, 2018


February 22, 2018


February 15, 2018


February 8, 2018


February 1, 2018


January 25, 2018


January 18, 2018


January 11, 2018


December 14, 2017


December 7, 2017


November 30, 2017


November 21, 2017


November 9, 2017


November 2, 2017


October 26, 2017


October 19, 2017


October 12, 2017


October 5, 2017


September 28, 2017


September 21, 2017


September 14, 2017


September 7, 2017


August 31, 2017


August 28, 2017 (rescheduled from Aug 24)


August 17, 2017


August 10, 2017


August 3, 2017


July 27, 2017


July 20, 2017


July 13, 2017


July 6, 2017


June 22, 2017


June 15, 2017


June 8, 2017


June 1, 2017


May 25, 2017


May 18, 2017


May 11, 2017


May 4, 2017


April 27, 2017


April 20, 2017


April 13, 2017


April 6, 2017


March 30, 2017


March 23, 2017


March 16, 2017


March 9, 2017


March 2, 2017


February 23, 2017


February 16, 2017


February 9, 2017


January 26th, 2017


January 12th, 2017


December 1st, 2016

ID: 502 527 3040). Additional connection options (phone, etc) detailed at DSpace Meeting Room.

  • Agenda & Connection Information can be found in the meeting notes below.

Meeting Notes

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pageDSpace 7 WG Meeting Notes
