At Open Repositories 2017 and the 2017 North American User Group meeting, updates on DSpace 7 efforts were presented. The slides from those talks are available:

On February 28, 2017, we held a DuraSpace Hot Topics webinar to discuss the latest activities of this Working Group, with details from both the Angular UI and REST API subteams. The slides and video of that Hot Topics webinar are available at

We've also provided a high-level summary of current status at: DSpace 7 UI Project Plain Language Summary

Scope & Objectives

The goal of this working group, led by Tim Donohue, is to create a new, single User Interface (UI) for DSpace that implements all functionality currently available in JSPUI and XMLUI.  The UI will interact with DSpace core data through a completely new REST API to insure complete separation of the user layer from the data layer. This working group is split into two subteams: an Angular Subteam, led by Art Lowel (Atmire), which is concentrating on building a modern, responsive, client-side user interface using Angular and a REST API Subteam, led by Andrea Bollini (4Science), which is concentrating on building a new REST API based on state-of-art technologies, standards and best practices.


Implementation of the User Interface and the REST API with code delivered on GitHub along with documentation on how to use, install, and extend the interface.

User Interface: Angular 4


Angular Subteam is facilitated by Art Lowel (Atmire)

Angular UI resources

REST API Subteam is facilitated by Andrea Bollini (4Science)

REST API resources

Development & Training Resources

Meeting Times & Communication Channels

Next Meeting

Thursday, December 7 from 15:00-16:00 UTC (10am-11am EST) in Google Hangouts:

Meeting Notes