Contribute to the DSpace Development Fund

The newly established DSpace Development Fund supports the development of new features prioritized by DSpace Governance. For a list of planned features see the fund wiki page.

Developers Meeting on Thurs, Sep 19, 2024


 from 14:00-15:00 UTC

Location: (Meeting ID: 502 527 3040).  Passcode: dspace



Current Work

Project Boards

To quickly find PRs assigned to you for review, visit  (This is also available in the GitHub header under "Pull Requests → Review Requests")

Goals for 9.0

To be decided by DSpace Steering Group with feedback from Leadership Group

Early brainstorms at DSpace Release 9.0 Status.  Please feel free to add your own brainstorms or link in tickets that you wish to be considered. 

Goals for 8.1 / 7.6.3

Deadline is TBD for both 8.1 and 7.6.3.  Bug fix releases do not have fixed/scheduled deadlines. Instead, the developer team will determine when to create a release based on the significance of the issues to solve. (e.g. If major issues are fixed, then a bug fix release will occur more rapidly.  If minor issues are found, then a bug fix release may be delayed until sufficient fixes have been made to warrant a release)

  • Bug/security fixes only.  These minor releases will not include any new features.
    • New "themeable components" (for dspace-angular) are allowed in bug fix releases, provided that they don't significantly modify component behavior or similar.
    • Accessibility fixes are also allowed in bug fix releases, provided they don't significantly modify component behavior or similar.
  • Bug fix PRs should be created against "main" branch where possible. The "main" branch has the most strict code style rules. (i.e. PRs created against dspace-7_x  are becoming more difficult to port forward.)
  • Per our support policy, bug fixes are only guaranteed to be ported back to 8.x.  That said, where possible, we'll try to backport bug fixes (especially significant ones) to 7.6.x.
    • Keep in mind, if a specific bug fix is important to you in 7.6.x, then it is best to create two PRs (one for main and one for "dspace-7_x").  If you are able to provide a backport version of the PR, then we will merge it alongside the "main" branch version.
    • NOTE: In many scenarios, a backport to "dspace-8_x" should be possible to automate using the "port to [branch]" labels & the "Port merged Pull Request" GitHub Action

Try "Pull Request Trading" for a quicker review

Do you have a PR stuck in "under review" that you really want to see move forward?  Or maybe it's someone else's PR but you want to get it more attention?

See Trading reviews on Pull Requests for how to get immediate attention to that PR!



  • Holger and Tim will attend the NA User Group Meeting in Minneapolis from Sept. 23-25. This does not impact the regular meeting schedule of the weekly dev meetings
  • Any agenda items for next week should be added by developers

DSpace 9.0 release

  • No updates; upcoming Leadership meeting on October 2, where a final decision on 9.0 prioritization will be made
  • In the meantime, we are working under the tentative assumption that prioritization will include items on the DSpace Release 9.0 Status page

Ongoing Discussion

Group review: Update ESLint configuration for json5 files

  • Purpose: more consistency of translation files, less likelihood of merge conflicts
  • Not complete; needs updating of json5 files
  • Pascal raised issue to need to update the catalog before releases
    • Need to figure out how to go about this
    • Possibility to have a list of translators in a mailing list vs. contacting translators 1 by 1
    • Possibility of running a script that updates json files
    • Needs further discussion; someone who could investigate this further and explore ways of implementing this
    • Pascal-Nicolas Becker will create discussion ticket to summarize the problem; anyone who has ideas about this, add to the ticket 
  • Reviewed
  • Giuseppe Digilio (4Science) will add a comment or create additional ticket/PR to discuss if we want to implement a check for duplicate tags in the json5 files.

Migrate cookie consent from Klaro to Orejime (#3199)

  • Need to figure out if mandatory cookies need user consent according to GDPR compliance and if we need to display these (per pop-up) to users
    • We believe the approach Orejime uses seems to be GDPR compliant.  We believe the cookie popup does not  need to be displayed if all cookies are mandatory.
  • Pascal-Nicolas Becker noted that we may need to investigate DSpace's Solr Statistics to see if we need to add it to the cookie popup as an option to enable/disable (similar to Google Analytics).  
  • Pascal-Nicolas Becker also noted that the CORRELATION_ID used in the REST API may need to be investigated further. If it can be linked back to a user's account, then it could be a way to track user activities in the log.  We need to determine if this is GDPR compliant, and whether it needs to be possible to opt out or disable it in some way. 
  • Need to create tickets to investigate both of these further (Pascal-Nicolas Becker will create ticket, link it back to this PR)
  • Possibility of asking Steering for a small fund to address legal implications through a lawyer

Reorder buttons in Submission forms are not keyboard accessible (#1271)

Board Review

  • Feature curation link checker customizations 7.x (#9658)
    • Reviewed and discussed changed files together
    • Overall agree that this is a good fix, need to make sure that the maximum is configurable, allowing it to set to 0 as well, in order to avoid hitting an infinite loop