This documentation refers to an earlier version of Islandora. is current.

On This Page

Pre-Installation Software Checklist

You must have the following installed before you install the Tuque library:

About the "Tuque" library

The Tuque library is a bundle of code that acts as the conduit between Islandora and Fedora Commons. In order for Islandora to properly communicate with Fedora Commons, you must have the Tuque library installed. For more information on the Tuque library, please see the documentation on github [].

Installing the Tuque library


You must have:

  • Fedora Commons installed and properly configured in order to properly test Tuque
  • Drupal installed and properly configured in order to install Tuque.


To install the Tuque library, run the following on your command line where Drupal is installed:

# mkdir -p /var/www/drupal/sites/all /var/www/drupal/sites/all/libraries
# cd /var/www/drupal/sites/all/libraries
# wget
# unzip
# mv tuque-1.6 tuque

Testing the Tuque installation

  • Tuque installation is simple enough that it does not require a stand alone test. You will know it's working as you test the Islandora Core Module installation on milestone 5. The test is the green check mark in /admin/islandora/configure. It is as simple as that.

Advanced Tuque Topics

For advanced usage of Tuque you can consult the All About Tuque Appendix.


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