In this section (Option 1) we divided the installation into a very specific sequence of milestones, which enable the Islandora Minimum Viable Functionality, which is the core set of modules and dependencies needed to have a functional installation of Islandora.
These milestones help ensure that pre-requisites for subsequent steps are always met and tested before hand.
"Local install" - Pre-installation Software Checklist
Server Dependencies
The following resources must be present on the server where you plan to install Islandora. Each of these items is detailed in the relevant section of the installation process; this is merely meant as a quick checklist to review the overall set of resources you may have to install on your server:
Components and Module Versions
Please see the Supported Versions section of the Release Notes and Downloads page.
"Local install" - Installation Instructions Overview
An important aspect of the installation is for the person doing it to understand how all the moving parts fix together. The illustration below shows all the typical Islandora developed components in red. The other supporting components/applications are represented in other colors. However we overload the term "Islandora" to represent the whole repository solution stack.
The next few sections will lead you through the installation of Dependencies, Drupal, Fedora, and the Islandora Module. These instructions assume an *nix environment. Our current Windows support status is available here. The arrangement in Milestones is designed so that you are advised to perform a snapshot backup at the end of each milestone. This way if the step you are working on fails to install and test properly you'll have something to fall back on, without having to restart from scratch. You may do the snapshot backup just by stooping all the services and creating a tarball of the directory trees target of the installation (more details on each milestone).
Islandora Diagram