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  1. DCAT meeting dates: 
    1. February 14, 2012
    2. March 13, 2012 - conflict w/the SPARC mtg, hold March 6 instead
  2. DSpace 1.8.1 released  
  3. DuraCloud: 2 months free, 1.3 released   
  4. KnowledgeBase announcement: Umbrella KB, DSpace KB
  5. Metadata survey news piece
  6. SPARC Conference March 11-13:
    1. conference themes
    2. call for innovation fair proposals
    3. working on a DSpace user group mtg
  7. DuraSpace 2011 Sponsorship Campaign Summary
  8. Call for Proposals to Host Open Repositories Conference in 2013 and 2014 
  9. Call for Proposals for EDUCAUSE 
  10. Other news?
  11. Events
    1. Upcoming
      1. PASIG in Austin Austin (Jan)
      2. ALA Midwinter in Dallas (Jan)
      3. Code4lib (February)
      4. SPARC OA Meeting in Kansas (Kansas, March)
      5. JCDL in Washington (Washington, June)
      6. Code4lib (February)
      7. OR12 in Edinburgh July 9-13


1. Questions/comments/additions to news and events

2. KnowledgeBase Preview


--community feedback that documentation needs to be easier to understand, more examples/showing, more accessible language, make entry level experience easier

--also wanted a logical place to put many useful community resources that didn't belong in the official docs

--informal mtg at OR11 with interested 'advisors'


--patterned after the Ruby on Rail's RailGuides - framework for including text-based guide, screencasts, presentation slides, webinar recordings

--material to be collaboratively developed by user community, developers, service providers, committers and the DuraSpace organization


--NOT to replace/duplicate official docs - a supplemental resource including dynamic content delivered through various methods (text, screencasts, etc) using lots of examples/visuals

--make users immediately productive with wither DSpace of Fedora - help them understand how to set up and run a repository

--framework to encourage collaboration in bite sized chunks

-Framework overview

-separate wiki 'space' for DSpace, Fedora and umbrella - ability to easily jump between

-how to contribute - roles (content contributor and content moderator) laid out

-draft table of contents - topics to be covered - contributors not be limited by initial draft

-sample content developed

-What's next?

--feedback from interested advisors - now

--soft launch to the community to solicit contributors/moderators - mid-Dec

--more publicity/activity in Jan/Feb


-other ed materials on wiki - how to treat? references from other parts of the wiki going to the KB for updated material

-looks easy to contribute

-Flash work arounds for iPads?  

3. Metadata Support Improvements 

-Elin mentioned some questions about DC standards - Bram pointed to an analysis he did here: 

Open discussion on how DCAT is working / how it could improve

3. Improving metadata support project teams formation-Bram and Elin will post edits on community message by Fri:

4. Old JIRA issue update - Discuss 560 & 456 and any updates to others
