Versions Compared


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  • Tal Ayalon, World Bank Group
  • Pascal-Nicolas Becker, The Library Code*
  • Allan Bell, The University of British Columbia
  • Kimberly Chapman, University of Arizona Libraries 
  • Susanne Chase, Georgetown University (star)
  • Lieven Droogmans, Atmire*
  • Scott Hanrath, University of Kansas*
  • Barbara Hirschmann, ETH Zurich
  • Kirsty Lingstadt, University of Edinburgh
  • Jyrki Ilva, National Library of Finland
  • Andrew McLean, Imperial College London
  • Paolo Mangiafico, Duke University
  • Agustina Martínez-García, University of Cambridge*
  • Robert Miller, LYRASIS
  • Erik Moore, University of Minnesota
  • Susanna Mornati, 4Science*
  • Jere Odell, IUPUI*
  • César Olivares, Concytec*
  • Kristi Park, Texas Digital Library* (Chair)
  • Beate Rajski, DSpace-Konsortium Deutschland
  • Gail Steinhart, Cornell University Library
  • Sarah Swanz, Vanderbilt University
  • Maureen Walsh, The Ohio State University Libraries* (Vice Chair)
  • Wei Xuan, University of Manitoba

LYRASIS attendees

  • Laurie Arp
  • Michele Mennielli
  • Tim Donohue
  • Jenn Bielewski







15 min


Kristi Park
220 minDSpace 7 Development Overview and Update

Update on the current status of DSpace 7 development and the forthcoming beta versions.

Overview of DSpace 7 development information available to Leaders and Community members. How you can learn more and track progress.

Tim Donohue
35 min

DSpace Community Advisory Team Update

DSpace 7.0 User Documentation Sprints 2021 DSpace 7.0 1 User Documentation Sprints

DCAT charge: The DSpace Community Advisory Team (DCAT) represents the interests of repository managers and administrators across the globe and, indirectly, DSpace end users. DCAT is a permanent Working Group that advises other DSpace project governance and leadership groups (e.g., DSpace Steering Group, DSpace Product Planning Group). The Team solicits feedback through community-wide discussions, surveys, etc. to help ensure future software releases address the needs of the community. DCAT submits an annual report to the DSpace Steering group that makes the report public after review.

DSpace Community Advisory Team wiki

Maureen Walsh
415 minFinancial and Fundraising Update
  • DSpace 7 Fundraising campaign
  • Financial Report (through Nov 30, 2020, shared via Google list)
Laurie Arp and Kristi Park
515 minMarketing Interest Group Update

Marketing IG charge: The main purpose of the Group it is to define the right strategies to highlight the benefits of the open source solutions for the Community, and effectively communicate those to current and potential DSpace users. 

DSpace Marketing Interest Group wiki section

Jenn Bielewski
615 minITAV Action Plan Working Group Reports

Link to ITAV Action Plan

Kristi Park
735 min

Breakout discussions: Possibilities and priorities for DSpace integrations and/or interoperabilities

As we look towards the possibilities for the DSpace platform beyond DSpace 7.0, we want to think about high-priority areas of integration and interoperability for DSpace (e.g. ORCID, Open Journal Systems).

After a brief introduction, we will break up into 4-5 randomly assigned groups to discuss the question of DSpace integrations.

You will have 15 minutes in your group to do the following:

  • Conduct a brief round of introductions
  •  Identify reporter to report highlights of the discussion out to the larger group.
  • Brainstorm possible DSpace integrations
  • Identify priority integrations (2-3) from your brainstorming list.

You can take notes in a Google doc that matches your Breakout Room number, linked to here


Round Robin (15 min): At the end of 15 minutes, we will reconvene and hear reports from each group.

Kristi Park, all
610 minAny other business


DSpace 7 Development Overview and Update

  • walkthrough of DSpace 7 release page
  • milestones going back to 2014
  • main goal was single out of the box user interface
  • difficult to maintain 2 UIs and have same features across both UIs
  • Tim discussed the different sections on
  • entities is early step to make DSpace more competitive with platforms like Digital Commons (BePress)
  • community voiced concerns to move more quickly in 2019 (also around the time of merger of DuraSpace and Lyrasis)
  • preview release to show the progress
  • then staged beta releases to push the release along more rapidly
  • 4 beta releases done
  • currently working on beta 5
    • less about features, more around making it more stable and production ready
    • one larger feature: theme and multiple themes on comm/coll level 
    • first upgrade to angular 10 then theme work (expected early Feb)
  • then scheduling the community testahon
  • dspace 7.0 doesn't contain all features
    • after prioritization effort in steering certain features were pushed to 7.1 and 7.2
    • in 7.2 there are some features that might move to 7.1 if needed


Q: COVID impact on the volunteer development
A: yes, volunteer effort did decline

DSpace Community Advisory Team Update

  • DCAT working on user documentation
  • this is less technical and supplements the technical documentation
  • organized in sprints as it doesn't exist (even for previous versions)
  • lookup dates for the sprints available here:
  • like help to join the effort or spreading the word
  • will be announced in regular channels
  • co-working sessions organized

Financial and Fundraising Update 

fundraising update

  • after paid development was decided, fundraising started
  • goal was to raise $300,000
  • raised +/- $151,000 (one time donations and increases in membership levels)
  • good result given covid pandemic, fundraising dropped significantly 
  • discussion needed to decide whether to continue with paid development for 7.1/7.2


  • Laurie highlighted positive and negative variances compared to the budget that was made at the start of the year
  • development costs: almost at $200,000 of the $300,000 (beta 5 invoices still need to come in), and then for testathon
  • if depleted go into retained net assets, then partners offered delayed payment, and final solution would be to use credit line.

Marketing Interest Group Update 

  • new chair: Jenn Bielewski from Lyrasis 
  • meetings on first and second Wednesday of the month 9AM 
  • working on:
    • new website in 2021 for and project websites
      • still working on deciding architecture for new website
      • 4-6 months until building
      • head of Lyrasis IT will attend marketing meeting to talk about the redesign work
      • looking for input in a Google document
    • dspace marketing initiatives
      • drafting "what is a repository" document
      • new video about DSpace for the website
      • increase outreach (website, social media, conferences)
    • bimonthly newsletter
      • updates on working groups, latest news, highlighted member/use case
      • there is a template 

TEXT from Jenn's slide:

  • New Website in 2021!
    • Led by LYRASIS IT and Director of Communications
    • Will move to a new architecture—considering several options including 2 that are Open Source
    • 4-6 months out until we building and design
    • We have a google sheet of ongoing collective input of wants/needs in design and content
  • General DSpace marketing initiatives
    • What is a repository? online downloadable document
    • New video for website- overview of DSpace
    • More awareness—website, twitter, Conference proposals/presentations and more conference exhibiting
  • Bimonthly Newsletter/Digest(every 2 months)
    • Summary of the working groups current work
    • Latest news on releases and current work
    • Highlight member/use case
    • How to get involved: join a working group, membership, registry
    • Can send the template to you for your feedback

Q: though which channels will the newsletter be distributed
A: mailing list, twitter account, website and subscription button in the newsletter, but still needs to be figured out further

Q: Erik Moore working on US user group, asking to connect with marketing
A: will discuss in next internal DSpace meeting

ITAV Action Plan Working Group Reports 

DSpace Governance Working Group (2020-21) - Kristi Park


  • group has not convened yet
  • looking at feasibility to start on this before DSpace 7 is released
  • discussed in steering and path forward is to look at the roadmap from 2015- and 2018 and looking at gaps between that roadmap and what will be in dspace 7
  • group will convene in next few weeks and should have an update by next leadership meeting

Breakout discussions

4 groups provided valuable input with regard to high-priority areas of integration and interoperability for DSpace, in summary (starting from those mentioned by more than one group):

PIDs: ORCID, DOI minting (CrossRef, DataCite), ROR, grants databases

Easy (automatic) deposit (importing data from different sources during submission): PubMed, Scopus, ArXiv, SCOAP3,, automatic deposit by publisher (Like Ingest, DeepGreen), full text deposit

Framework for easier integration of external services, e.g. digital preservation, CMS, Born digital archival records integration (e.g.  ArchivesSpace), countrywide services (JISC’s Publications Router in UK), local systems (e.g. HR)

OpenAIRE: compliance for harvesting, integration for enrichment (e.g. OpenAIRE Graph)

Integrations with CRIS systems

Integrations for research data, e.g.

APC management, e.g.

Requirements for Plan-S compliance

Improve integrations at bitstream level, e.g. Creative Commons

Refresh SherpaRoMEO integration

Integration with OJS - Open Journal Systems

Reports for exporting to other systems (e.g. KBART?), institutional annual review systems

Integration with IIIF APIs for images and audio/video players

Thesis and dissertations management (Vireo, ProQuest)

Kristi: these suggestions will usefully inform the task of identifying and prioritizing future developments of DSpace. 

Susanna: most of these inteegrations are already working in DSpace-CRIS and ported under the new Live Import Framework of DSpace 7, so 4Science is ready to make all code available to the community for the next DSpace evolution path.