
Scopus Harvester makes use of the author disambiguation capability of Scopus to improve the data quality of publications in VIVO.

See the following steps on how the fetch module is executed:

Step 1: Run SPARQL query to retrieve Scopus Author ID from VIVO

Step 2: Query Scopus by Scopus Author ID

Step 3: Extract DOI from Scopus feed and query Pubmed by DOI

Step 4: If DOI not found in Pubmed, query Scopus to retreive Pubmed ID (Pubmed IDs only exist in feeds when queried by Scopus Document ID)

Step 5: Extract Pubmed ID from Scopus feed and query Pubmed by Pubmed ID

Step 6: Publications data obtained from Pubmed and Scopus queries

    • Note that the Scopus Author IDs of individuals must be ingested into VIVO prior to running Scopus Harvester.


Configuration files

The following files need to be modified for ingest of publications:

1. run-scopus.sh

2. scopusfetch.config.xml

3. sparql.txt

4. vivo.model.xml

5. changenamespace-authors.config.xml

6. changenamespace-authorship.config.xml

7. changenamespace-journal.config.xml

8. changenamespace-publication.config.xml