Time: 9:00 am, Eastern Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
Meeting link
- Announcements
- Meeting time slot
- REST API created by Matthias Luhr
Dynamic API Requirements for UI & Structuring information about current Vitro|VIVO pages/services
- Volunteers needed:
- Implement generic components:
- Create HTTP Query component to query external services/send data
- External caching for SPARQL ResultSets, Procedure results
- Update Dynamic api ontology, verify it.
- Investigate :
- What is required for endpoints to return list views (avoid rendering list views with the page, but request them separately)
- Implement/reimplement features:
- Co-authors network
- Map of science
- replace direct web remoting (part of legacy data editor)
- Create and link publications with author’s profile
- Admin tools interface components:
- New ontology editor
- Create/read/update/delete define list views
- Create/read/update/delete document modifiers
- Test SPARQL Queries
- Reactive interface to create and test XML Transformations, XML validations combined with SPARQL Construct queries
- Implement generic components:
- Define reactive interface requirements
- Merge dynamic API into main repository?
- Task to extend display ontology
Meeting notes
Action items
- Georgy Litvinov finish parameter substitutions PR 381