10 AM US Eastern Time

Call-in Information

Please see calendar invite for the Zoom link.


Michele Mennielli

Julia Trimmer

Terrie R. Wheeler

Ann Beynon 

Jenn Bielewski 


Bruce Herbert 



1- Cleaning up the registry

2- Strategising about prospect


1- Cleaning up the registry

Message is ready to be sent to this list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PVHg4ZRiRy-alfb1QyiOe1iQsQ5N-uCVjiGgbC5ujTE/edit#gid=0

For the contacts in the "DOAR" tab, Jenn will look for the right contacts based on LYRASIS membership, then we'll compare the info with the other programs' member institutions as well

2- Strategising about prospect

We discussed activities to work on to reach out and engage with 52 institutions we identified as "prospects": https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1G8JcbkgL6h_ns9_klFRuaslPOVZxCc1bhb2_hHKedTg/edit#gid=573385952

After discussing some ideas (here), we have decided to:

  • reach out to the ones that don't have an entry in the Registry and ask them to create a record;
  • reach out to the ones that are already in the registry to and suggesting participation in different activities (events; case studies; WGs)
  • Buddy program: ask Leaders to go through the list of prospects and see whether they have direct contacts they could reach out to.

Action Items

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