May 26, 2020, 10 AM US Eastern Time

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  1. Ralph O'Flinn
  2. Anna Guillaumet
  3. Michele Mennielli
  4. Christian Hauschke
  5. Mike Conlon
  6. Andrew Woods


Google folder for conference planning :

Conference web site Github:  


  1. Closeout activities
    1. Final communication to attendees
      1. Thank you! 
      2. Development priorities survey 
      3. For presenters: Reminders regarding publication agreements and DOI
    2. Review report to future organizers
    3. Link to materials in LG folder
  2. Follow-ups regarding offers to collaborate
    1. Mathias will be joining Ontology call Thursday
    2. Mike will be meeting with Brazilians (CAPES) on Friday
    3. ROR?
    4. PIDINST?
    5. ORCiD?
    6. ZDB?
    7. TUCfis?
    8. Others?


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