11:00 am Eastern time


  • Updates, issues, questions or feedback from sites
  • David Baker, visiting from CASRAI (Consortia Advancing Standards in Research Administration Information) (casrai.org), will give a summary of the organization's mission and answer any questions. CASRAI has developed a data dictionary to support exchange and reuse of research information, and we will be evaluating and extending the VIVO ontology as a reference implementation in OWL of that data dictionary.
  • vivo:educationalTrainingOf does not display on university pages (VIVOONT-438 )
  • How does one represent academic/faculty tracks? (VIVOONT-436 )
  • How to store privacy flags (UF)
    • we didn't get to this topic on the March 7, 2012 call. Nicholas planned to implement in the meantime and we can discuss what he did.
  • should we add a "languages spoken" data property to a person's profile? ( VIVOONT-250 )

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Meeting ID: 956-365-752

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