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9am - no attendees

1) News

-Pacific Rim Digital Library event at Univ of Auckland for heads of libraries meet about different projects

-DSpace Tech Lead Tim Donohue on board

-Solution Communities re-launch & webinar in November 23
-DuraCloud APIs coming along, webinar about pilot participation re-scheduled for Dec 16 (
-DSUG presentations and most videos now available should be posted by early next wk(

2) Where does the DGOC we go from here?
-What did each of you expect from the DGOC?
-Focus has been projects that help the DSpace user community -- especially  projects that help to connect people - how are we doing? should we modify/refine our focus?
-Do you believe our projects were effective/not effective?
-How would you like to see it change/improve?
-How could we structure the DGOC so it had an impact on platform development?
-What ways could the DGOC liason w/the committers?
-Logistics: terms (Nov/Dec transition), mtgs, anyone rolling off?, more collaboration
-What should be our priorities for 2010?:
1) equip the Ambassadors to succeed (better FAQ/knowledgebase)
2) Dynamic Database
3) social network
4) help recruit a different kind of release mgr
5) DSpace wiki clean up/re-org
6) help cmtrs restructure JIRA to maximize repo mgrs engagement
7) help to liase/represent community req'mts to committers (gather feedback, understand what they mean, get good info and distill it down (from community, Ambassadors, etc.) and perform informal/formal survey on release features


1)      Alvin – thought it would be more like Ambassadors – fill people in on DSpace, doesn't nec need to be more publicized, but potential users might not know how easy it is

2)      Leonie – big problems to find a voice for RM/adminitrators to give them a voice, find a place to express themselves, give silent people a voice. Think we've made some progress. Hard to get people to talk/discuss-big challenge – need to find ways to engage. People willing to do things – but they need to feel common goal and getting them to talk. Maybe take turns serving as monitor of the social network to make it compelling. People developing, not contributing back code.

3)      Ronee – 2 biggest things – social network and dynamic database. Pick out repos and talk w/them. Challenging goals. Creating more documents/resources on how to do things – user content tools. Within library I feel like an island – the hardest part is getting other people to understand what is going on w/OA and repos. I was hoping for more resources/materials to help communicate or show libraries how it can be used. We need to use the social network tool and move it forward.

4)      Beth – my goal to connect all of us better – DGOC goal. Don't have a sense that goal has been accomplished. Don't feel DGOC connection as much. We've started a small scholarly communications team – how to move forward on OA and how repos help – that team has helped.

5)      Julie – this past year what we've done well is to lay groundwork to do outreach. Created some helpful tools for Ambassadors. Would like to see social networking – and Ambassadors use it – and DGOC to encourage people to join up. Who I need to speak with about a specific topic. Critical to have more people sign up w/that – DGOC can help with that and help get conversations started.

6)      Jim – In terms of global outreach should become more outreach to non-DSpace users. What would we want to do at general library or IT mtgs – do direct outreach about what DSpace can do and meet needs. One of the diffculties is the not knowing when or if your feature requests will make it in. How do you DSpace as a project forward?

Involvement in development

-reach out to RM or Ambassadors reach out to RM and discover interests

-used to vendors – and not used to open source – and you might not get what you want or not immediately

-questions framed by the cmtr group was difficult to answer – not appropriate on tech list

-when you make suggestions and they get ignored and the don't bother

-clarify what you want or need takes time

-what you really want is the response from RM – make it easier – give them choices – don't give a blank slate – and then organize it

-DGOC liase for each new feature

-target RMs w/msgs – know who people are in your area and develop those relationships

3) Dynamic Database

Please see filters and values on
Post any suggestions you have on which filters to include and the values (pull downs) for the filters.
For see a test version of the dynamic database - login to and check out the filters on the left hand column.

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