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Alvin Hutchinson

Christina Richison

Elin Stangeland

Iryna Kuchma

Ronee Francis

Beth Tillinghast

Julie Speer

Rea Devakos

Sarah Shreeves

Michele Kimpton

Valorie Hollister

1)       Welcome and overview of the cmte's purpose

a.      Foundation doesn't have funding or the staff to put on trainings or events around the world – but we are hoping that by helping you all to connect with each other on the cmte and with other DSpace users in your country/region, you can in essence, help yourselves to find resources.

b.      Foundation's role / Valorie's role is really that of a facilitator.

c.      DSpace platform development done on a voluntary basis by a community of developers, this cmte has the opportunity to provide platform feedback from a repository manager perspective to that developer community

                                                               i.      Dorothea Salo's work is an example of a forum for this type of very specific feedback and we encourage cmte members to participate in these discussions

                                                             ii.      Jira – new feature request/issue tracking system

2)       DGOC Logistics – how cmte will communicate and meet

a.      Closed work area/email distribution list: Google Group Set up as, this will be used for meeting notes, workspace for projects in process, discussion forums can be used for dialogs about various topics, etc.

b.      Published information to the community wiki for community transparency (

c.      Continue will monthly conference calls as set up (Cambridge, MA/USA number), Valorie to send number and reminder msg a few days prior to the call

                                                               i.      For anyone who would like to use Skype to dial in, you should be able to do so

                                                             ii.      We will continue with 2 calls. Next call is on Tues 10/21 with one at 9am EDT/GMT-5, but we need to move the second call to 4pm EDT/GMT-5 for the October call

                                                            iii.      Christina will look into the possibility of using MIV or Multipoint Interactive Videoconferencing through NITLE (\\

3)       Initial thoughts of cmte members: What are some of the challenges you face as at your institution and some of the ways you think the cmte might be able to help the larger DSpace repository manager community?

a.      Christina – wants to better serve needs of her consortium community, NITLE is also offer training to larger DSpace community

b.      Alvin – manages a repository for reprints or eprints, would like to help new DSpace users or those considering DSpace, meet w/them and talk with them about what it requires (resources, staff, etc). Most installs done by library staff – wants to help new DSpace users to understand DSpace better what is involved

c.      Elin – UK has an advantage with the JISC funded project RSP ( which offers training and start up help. RSP also gets repository mgrs networking/communicating and runs workshops specifically for repository managers. There is an upcoming one on copyrights, for example. Also UKCoRR (, a Sherpa run project that provides some resources too. Elin's sees here role on this cmte to help connect repository managers with DSpace Foundation through a her collobration with RSP. Elin was also curious about the DSpace instance list and how it compares with Open DOAR register. Valorie to post the full list with use case categories onto the DGOC Google Group page and to look into who qualifies to be on the Open DOAR list (and would they want our list?)

d.      Iryna – works with transitional countries, performs outreach to libraries, offers materials and resources to library directors who are not necessarily technical – on why they should chose DSpace vs. other platforms, she helps to explain how they will need to support their repository, populate it. Her challenges are having DSpace resources materials in different languages for librarians, she is also interested in a comparative guide to the open source platforms. Michele added here that Sandy Payette has promised to help w/the Fedora piece and Michele will help to identify resources who may be willing to work on the DSpace piece. Iryna would like have more information on successful use cases for DSpace, how they did it, what resources it took, etc.

e.      Ronee – Doesn't know a lot of people using DSpace, would like to network w/other users

f.        Beth – would also like to network, find ways to ask questions, get to know people and have a better forum to ask questions

g.      Rea – Has been at DSpace for awhile, have an institutional repository group in Canada to help support each other. Needs help with content recruitment, how to get commitments from academics when things aren't written down, preservation is an area of concern. Raised question about how much is DSpace specific vs. repository challenges in general.

h.      Julie – DSpace has been up for awhile. Would like to work on content recruitment issues, copyright, discuss how to come up w/policies in general, user desire for statistics and she would like to know more about it

i.        Sarah – also raised the question of DSpace vs. general repository issues, would also like a way have a safe network to share techniques, tools, strategies and frustrations. Michele added here that we should discuss developing good/better ways for repository mangers to network & communicate

j.        Various comments – Identify promotional materials, identify mtgs/conferences that could piggy back user group mtgs with

4)       SPARC Instituional Repositories Mtg Nov 17-18

a.      We have the opportunity to have a repository manager mtg on Wed Nov 19 or after 5pm on Tuesday. Need 20-30 people to make it worthwhile.

                                                               i.      Alvin, Rea, Sarah, Ronee, Julie(?) Are planning to attend

                                                             ii.      What could we plan that would be of interest to you or others? What would you want on the agenda? Would you be interested in helping to organize a DSpace mtg afterwards? Any volunteers to lead the effort?

1.       Alvin volunteered to help with plans/hosting

2.       Christina checking into someone from NITLE providing a Manakin training

3.       Other ideas:

a.       forum on how you submit feature requests to Jira

b.       web 2.0 integration

c.       DSpace issue surgery – expert panel available for questions, issues, problems

d.       Showcase best use case – how to set up a dark archive, etc.

e.       Structured networking forum (like NITLE's user group mtg)

f.         Set up specific topics/questions at tables (similar to Barcamp)

g.       Select a presentation – people bring presentations and attendees vote on which one to see (like Repository Fringe)

h.       Birds of a Feather

i.         Dorothea Salo to present a summary of recent discussions work and have discussion around it

j.         Networking dinner – pre-choose your topic w/facilitator

k.       DGOC meet for drinks!

l.         Dial in option for those who can't attend or a video (like Epresence, freeware that streams video and can be run w/Powerpoint slides and chat)

5)       Next steps

a.      Follow up with items above in red

b.      Work on list of potential projects, fleshing out what everyone is interested in having the cmte work on ALL MEMBERS

c.      Getting out quick survey for SPARC mtg – Valorie to start, get feedback from cmte, send out by Sept 30

d.      Next mtg on Tues 10/21 9am EDT/GMT-5 and 4pm EDT/GMT-5

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