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Potential Attendees

Amy Lana - University of Missouri
Bram Luyten - @mire
Ciarán Walsh - Enovation Solutions, Ltd
Elin Stangeland - Cambridge University Library
Jennifer Laherty - Indiana University
Stacy Konkiel - Indiana University
Sarah Shreeves - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Valorie Hollister - DuraSpace
Yan Han - University of Arizona Libraries

Guest Attendees

Tim Donohue - DuraSpace


Discussion Topics



Discussion leader


Questions/comments/additions to news/events update



Action item status updates



SPARC DSUG meeting feedback



OR12 DSUG topic feedback



Google Summer of Code possible projects, last year's project summary



Old JIRA issues


New JIRA issues



What's up for discussion this Thurs/Fri?



Other items?


Actions from previous meeting

Action Item



DS-456 Start community-wide discussion (after the holidays?)



DS-1021 start DCAT discussion, split into 2 issues, DS-1115, Hardy Pottinger will be working on them



List of events DuraSpace staff will be attending/presenting



Provide additional thoughts/feedback to Val on how DCAT has been working / what could improve



Add deadlines to action item list DONE



Hold DCAT discussions via email / the discussion forum on the Thurs and Fri following the conf call -
This month on 1/12-13 to include:  
1) DS-1021 start DCAT discussion (Amy) 
2) Draft of msg on community wide discussion regarding DS-456 (Iryna)



Wiki link for DCAT discussion schedule, here:



Metadata priorities - email out to each volunteer group to solidify participation and possibly identify co-leaders



Metadata priorities - discuss proposal on collaboration w/Commtters w/Tim Donohue, wiki page



DS164 deposit interface for modifying input forms.xml: resurrect original request and propose next steps 



Select new JIRA issue






News & Events

  1. DCAT meeting dates: 
    1. March 6, 2012 - conflict w/the SPARC for normal mtg day on March 13
    2. April 10, 2012
  2. Contribute to the new KnowledgeBase and win Amazon gift cards
  3. New Hot Topics webinar series 
    1. Webinar recording available: "Assessing Preservation Readiness" by Liz Bishoff from The Bishoff Group LLC and Tom Clareson from LYRASIS
  4. Making the SWORD Deposit Picture Clear
  5. SPARC Conference March 11-13:
    1. conference themes
    2. DSpace user group mtg] and Crowdvine
  6. Call for Proposals for OR12 - due Feb 20
  7. Call for Proposals for EDUCAUSE 
  8. DSpace Developers' Virtual Summit
  9. DSpace releases
    1. 1.8.2
    2. fall 2012 DSpace 3.0 - change/simplification in numbering scheme 
  10. Other news?
  11. Events
    1. Upcoming - 
      1. SPARC OA Meeting in Kansas March 12-13
      2. CNI in Baltimore April 2-3
      3. JCDL in Washington June
      4. OR12 in Edinburgh July 9-13


1) News/Other
Amy: what is does citation metadata mean to you? Maybe here's a resource: 
Bram: should DCAT help with updating language packs for 1.8?

  • current packages:
  • many are not updated for 1.8
  • might be that it is to challenging to figure out what specifically needs updating
  • Bram to consult w/committers on what files need to be translated, touch base with original authors as well as the DSpace Ambassadors to get updates madeDSpace Developers' Virtual Summit - periodic mtg for developers to discuss improvements for DSpace

2) "Action Item" status

  • going forward, once the agenda is published (and before the mtg), everyone should update the status of their "Action Items"  

3) SPARC DSUG meeting feedback - whether or not you are attending, what topics would you like to hear about at a user group mtg?

4) OR12 DSUG topic feedback - whether or not you are attending, any feedback/suggestions on mtg content look

5) Google Summer of Code possible projects, last year's project summary

6 & 7) JIRA Issue Discussions

  • going forward, all selected DCAT JIRA issues will be updated in JIRA, rather than in DCAT mtg notes
  • all discussion leaders for any previously selected open JIRA issues should update JIRA w/the most current info
  • if there is something more/new to be discussed or if we need to brainstorm on how to find developer resources, etc, it should be brought up during the monthly Thurs/Fri discussions or placed on mtg agenda
  • we will no longer include any status updates in DCAT mtg notes - not public or dynamic enough
  • we will 

Old JIRA issue update - Discuss 560 & 456 and any updates to others

  • DS587 tombstone (Sarah):discussion forum,JIRA
    • status as of last mtg:
      • some disagreement on tombstone reasons, what metadata would be displayed - discussion came up too late (Jose's version vs. Richard's)
      • still trying to get XMLUI tombstone reason for withdrawn item in to 1.8
  • DS638 virus checking/check file format (Elin):discussion forum,JIRA
    • virus checking is in 1.8, file format checking is written and tested, but did not make it into 1.8
    • status as of last mtg:
      • dependent on curation task work that MIT, not quite done, trying to follow same format for virus checking
      • can do file format checking - but NOT at submission
      • Robin to create a separate JIRA issue for file format checking at submission-->DS-1093
  • DS164 deposit interface for modifying input forms.xml (Jim): discussion forum, JIRA
    • GSoC project - do away with item-submission.xml and input-forms.xml and instead create an Admin UI that allows repo managers reorganize the submission UI
    • status as of last mtg:
      • some muddling w/an adjacent GSoC project - Jim to resurrect original request and propose next steps
    • Per Robin - suggest break this issue into smaller tasks, starting with (It may be that there are already existing issues for some #2 looks to be addressed by DS-464)
      • 1. A screen or screens to allow the administrator to edit the format of the metadata collection screens
      • 2. The ability to select the type of an item and collect appropriate metadata accordingly
  • DS-560 XMLUI News in config dir (Bram): discussion forum, JIRA
    • XMLUI interface is not as useful as JSPUI for news config, Bram proposed to have a more flexible front page
    • Do we have a DCAT consensus? If so, does it still make sense to hold a community-wide discussion for both feedback and developer resource identification?
    • going back to the priority of just making XMLUI news editable - Bram
    • 14/2: put a ping on JIRA to ask if a developer wants to take this on
  • DS-456 create easy upgrade scripts (Iryna): discussion forum, JIRA
    • no developer assigned yet
    • propose writing scripts for the most common database/operating sys
    • Database: PostgreSQL 264, MySQL 43, Oracle 39, Other 6
    • Operating Sys: Linux 224, Microsoft Windows 88, UNIX 28, Solaris 22, HPUX 2
    • Michael to attach scripts to JIRA issue that they have developed
    • hold community-wide discussion/solicitation of other upgrade scripts already written or interested parties -->look at Iryna's announcement

5. New JIRA issues

  • Added functionality to embargo feature (?DS-908, ?DS895, ?DS-824) - Jim
    • Univ of Michigan is embarking on a project with @mire to add functionality to the existing feature
    • first part of development complete in mid-March, likely need to generalize code for community
  • DS-1021 Add integration with an online document viewer (Amy) - discussion forum, JIRA 
    • discussion open now
  • 6. Other items?

Actions from this meeting

Action Item



Updating language packs - find out what needs to be updated, contact original authors and DSpace Ambassadors for help



OR12 DSUG topic feedback - whether or not you are attending, what topics would you like to hear about at a user group mtg?



SPARC DSUG meeting feedback - whether or not you are attending, any feedback/suggestions on mtg content look



Google Summer of Code possible projects, last year's project summary brainstorming on potential student projects - metadata improvements, easy upgrade script DS-456, others?








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