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9am/GMT-5 Attendees:

Ronee Francis

Alvin Hutchinson

Elin Stangeland

Rea Devakos

3pm/GMT-5 Attendees:

Beth Tillinghast

Leonie Hayes

Jim Ottaviani

Sarah Shreeves

Micheal Soupios (Thomas, Sharon)

Julie Speer

1)       DSpace Foundation Sponsorship Program

a.      The Foundation kicked off our sponsorship program in September – we mailed a letter and brochure to each major university or institution. Each of you should receive a copy. We would appreciate it if you could make sure your library director considers sponsorship in order for the Foundation to continue our work.

2)       SPARC Repository Manager Mtg on Nov 19

a.      Attendees

                                                               i.      DGOC members attending and helping to facilitate: Alvin, Rea, Ronee

                                                             ii.      Other known attendees: Beth's friend & PhD candidate, Jennifer, Kathleen Sheerer (Canadian Assoc of Research Libraries), Sarah Fuchs

b.      All cmte members to help promote and get the word out

                                                               i.      Rea to send announcement to the Canadian repository listserv (REPOS-L@LISTSERV.UOTTAWA.CA)

c.      Overview of agenda

                                                               i.      Manakin training (8:30-10:00am) Eric Jansson from NITLE, outline on Google Group

1.       Cmte members confirmed that it looked like it would address the basic objective – showing RMs how they can maximize Manakin and how/what they should talk to their library tech people about


-          Suggestion made to discuss how/what you need to do in JSP interface (admin UI) vs. Manankin interface (user UI) as most users are not aware of this

-          Most interested in live demo

-          Request made for a list what is in all of the various files in a Manakin aspect or theme – if you want to change collection display, which file do you need to go into?

-          How can themes be better shared between users? (use Movable Type or Word Press so that others can swipe a theme – have a central place for the DSpace community to store themes, classify themes based on types of content (basic ETD, journals, etc.)

-          Request made to video tape and make available the Manakin session (Val to check into rights and logistics)

                                                             ii.      Community Requirements Development Chat Summary (10:15-11:15am)-- Dorothea Salo

-          Dorothea will be available for the discussion

-          Suggestion made to have a BoF table inspired by this discussion

                                                            iii.      Birds of a Feather (11:15am-12:00pm) – pick 4 to 5 topic options

1.       Community Requirements Development Chat Summary (if interest)

2.       Copyright issues (Rea)

-          UK RSP & JISC copyright workshops (might be topics of interest)

3.       Content recruitment (Rea,Ronee) Dup w/SPARC special paid program?

4.       How to develop general repository polices (Ronee)

5.       Preservation (Rea)

6.       Workflow – how people use workflows (laptop and internet

7.       Use of Dublin core or other schemas

8.       Institutional embedding – creating a hook for successful repository – get more staffing, funding, placed in the institution, not entering data 2x, having workflow make sense. (I would be interested in this type of discussion. We have instituted a workflow that I feel brings attention to our IR from the Institution administration and makes it easy on everyone. I'm involved in the SPARC Innovation Fair where I get 2 whole minutes to talk about it . . . Alvin Hutchinson)

9.       Sustainable – what do you do when project money run out

10.   DSpace moving into a web 2.0 impact – being able to find material and integrate w/other resources

11.   Texas Digital Library's Vireo application for ETDs

-          Description of the project:

-          Links to some of the publications / research around this project:

d.      Meeting Facilitator Conference Call – Wed Nov 5 @ 9am

                                                               i.      Rea, Ronee, Alvin

3)       Identify Initial DGOC Projects - What is the most important priority for DGOC in your mind? What things don't exist that should? Brainstorm a bit now and set priorities at the next mtg

a.      Updates to comparative guide to open source platforms for institutional repositories (Iryna)

                                                               i.      Iryna or someone else at a separate organization sponsor and manage the process

                                                            ii.      Put together a one page summary (Iryna put existing one up on the DGOC Google Groups for the cmte to see?)

                                                            iii.      DGOC members provide feedback/ input on criteria to include in the comparative guide

                                                            iv.      Experts from the community for each platform available for feedback, identify strengths

                                                              v.      Initial cmte feedback/suggestions:

1.       Good resource for other departments w/in university

2.       Joint practicum by students at the University of Rochester and the University of Toronto that may be of help (Rea)

3.       Independence is key

b.      DSpace materials in different languages (Iryna)

                                                               i.      Which languages?

c.      Identify tools to help new or potential users (Alvin)

                                                               i.      Other people who had done it, how much time to invest, mtn time, help new users to understand getting into

                                                             ii.      Network of resources – RMs to talk w/other RMs, not technical help

                                                            iii.      RSP website has reference on set up/get going, non-platform specific (links at

                                                            iv.      Upgrade resources for more experienced users (Jim) – strategy, impact on upgrades/customizations

                                                              v.      List of projects/integrations/addons (Voyager catalog --exporting records) (Beth)

d.      Info on successful use cases (Iryna) –

                                                               i.      What the workflow looks like, metadata schemas,

                                                             ii.      Clear criteria – what has been changed, why is it different, how is it helpful

                                                            iii.      Draw line between DSpace issues and general issues

e.      Customizing – what to contemplate when you customize, strategies

f.        Identify conferences/mtgs that we could piggy back user group mtgs with (various)

                                                               i.      OR2009 in Georgia

                                                             ii.      DSpace User Group Mtg in Sweden in October 2009

                                                            iii.      OAI 5 in Geneva – in June 2009, more of a technical audience, might not be appropriate for RM mtg

g.      DSpace specific issues vs. general repository issues (Rea, Sarah)

h.      What can we develop that would improve the ways repository managers network & communicate (Sarah, Michele)

4)       DIDN"T REALLY COVER, NEXT MTG: Website reorganization – we currently have a RM page – what info is key to keep? what is the site lacking? How would you like it organized? Beta testers for RM page usage?

5)       DIDN"T REALLY COVER, NEXT MTG: Jira Walk Through – new feature request/issue tracking system

a.      Development bug/issue tracking used to be managed in Sourceforge – we are now moving to Jira.

b.      Advantages are – allows for you to vote on an issue, watch an issue (get updates when there are changes), create hierarchal tasks, vary the privilege levels, create various status reports

c.      Best practice – is that when the community has a consensus on an item (votes) that it can be captured in Jira and enhance the visibility of that issue – no guarantees that the work gets done, but it bolsters support for the need for the work to get done

Next DGOC Mtg – Tues Nov 25 at 9am Eastern/GMT-5 and 4pm Eastern/GMT-5

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