Attending: Vinopal, Metz, Prater, Gore, 

unavailable: Cartolano

Zoom Link:



Review of Action Items

Membership Model Proposal

Our last meeting was a great starting conversation.  Let's identify concrete next steps for the following questions:

  • How do we diversify our revenue streams?
  • What are the benefits that organizations get for membership?
  • What are the benefits that we get as part of our relationship with LYRASIS?
    • Clarify this with Laurie
  • What are some strategies that we can employ to rethink our business model?
    • Check in with potential consultants

Goal: Identify a method for moving forward long-term actions for improving Fedora's business model.


Next steps. Action items.


Diversify revenue streams

  • pilot a migration service – catalyst grant is being submitted by OSU

Benefits of Membership

  • Do we need a member prospectus? 
    • A prospectus would help us identify benefits when communicating with existing members and selling to new members.
  • Fedora benefits to members – discounts on services
    • migration service (potentially if the OSU catalyst grant is funded)
    • workshops (can we talk through this with David Wilcox - maybe we could talk about that in the April meeting)
  • LYRASIS benefits to communities
    • Can we talk through this with Laurie in the March meeting
    • What do we need from an income perspective to continue to sustain the community?
    • What is the reserve / bridge for the Fedora community look like? 
    • Do we need to review the financials so we understand what we need to sustain the community.
    • Can we develop a potential list of benefits prior to meeting with Laurie.

Action Items

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