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2020-04-09 (Thurs)

awoods 12:28 AM
[VIVO i18n Standup]
Finished yesterday:
- Documented "JIRA Process"
- Documented "Git/GitHub Processes"
- Reviewed pull-requests for updating whitespace
Working on today:
- Review i18n code updates
- Test i18n functionality across various pages / capability map
- None

Michel Héon  5:37 AM
[VIVO i18n Standup]
Finished yesterday:
Update the code {Vivo,Vitro}_Languages according to the established procedure
Assist team members in configuring the VTE in VMs
Working on today:
Start version control of Selenium test cases + setup the test-case github repo
Continue the adaptation of VTE to work with Selenium
Ensure that the suspended PRs are merged into the sprint-i18n branch.
Making Selenium test case on standard(non i18n) VIVO 1.11.1 instance (Person_addResearchOverview_TestCase)

Nicolas Dickner 8:26 AM
[VIVO i18n Standup]
Finished yesterday:
Installed functionnal VTE
Started testing "People" section
Working on today:
Keep on testing "People" section

Alexander Sacha Jerabek 11:08 AM
[VIVO i18n Standup]
Finished yesterday:
meeting to determine how to document problems, bugs
review Jira workflow
Working on today:
testing Vivo pages
resolving problems with rebuilding index in Vivo in VM for testing

Rachid Belkouch 11:16 AM
[VIVO i18n Standup]
Finished yesterday:
Installed VTE on VM
Meeting for Jira workflow
Working on today:
Testing Vivo pages in "Research" section
Weird rituals at the supermarket

2020-04-08 (Wed)

awoods 9:30 PM
[VIVO i18n Standup]
Finished yesterday:
- Created GitHub repository for Selenium tests
- Created JIRA for investigating language-aware Solr index
- Re-watched i18n demo from 2019-11-12
Working on today:
- Review i18n code updates
- Test i18n functionality across various pages / capability map
- Document Git/GitHub processes for sprint team
- None

Michel Héon 2:48 AM
[VIVO i18n Standup]
Finished yesterday:
Clarifying the version control process in github
Making first Selenium test-case
Starting the adaptation of VTE to work with Selenium
Preparing AWS-VM for the UQAM-team
Working on today:
Reviewing -C) Local VIVO implementation: from scrach to execution with VTE- Uqam wiki page at
Start version control of Selenium test cases
Continue the adaptation of VTE to work with Selenium
Assist team members in configuring the VTE in VMs
Update the code {Vivo,Vitro}_Languages according to the established procedure

Christian Hauschke 5:53 AM
[VIVO i18n Standup]
Finished yesterday:
Installing TopBraid Composer
Working on today:
1. Finishing TopBraid Composer SetUp.
2. Call with Mathias and Andrew about merging German language files with other language versions.
My TBC setup doesn't offer the "Run Fuseki", "Run Solr" etc. as in

Alexander Sacha Jerabek 9:12 AM
[VIVO i18n Standup]
Finished yesterday:
meeting to define who does what for UQAM testers, split up pages to check
Working on today:
finish installing VTE
review Jira workflow

Nicolas Dickner 9:40 AM
[VIVO i18n Standup]
Finished yesterday:
meeting to define who does what for UQAM testers, split up pages to check
Working on today:
finish installing VTE
start testing pages

2020-04-07 (Tues)

awoods 11:18 PM
[VIVO i18n Standup]
Finished yesterday:
- Created tickets for the sprint/team (see sprint board)
- Reviewed / Merged whitespace PR (
- Installed (mvn clean install -s my-settings.xml) i18n codebase
Working on today:
- Review i18n code updates
- Re-watch i18n demo to refresh my understanding of added features
- Help team with any questions/issues that arise
- None

Michel Héon 2:04 AM
[VIVO i18n Standup]
Finished yesterday:
Adjusting the UQAM - vivo-i18n-installer at to the new languages repo structure
Tuning the UQAM VTE-Config eclipse-project at :
Start exploring Selenium
Working on today:
Pull the new VIVO et Vitro with testcase update
Reviewing -C) Local VIVO implementation: from scrach to execution with VTE- Uqam wiki page at
Making first Selenium test-case
Starting the adaptation of VTE to work with Selenium
- Needs a procedure to pull test-case somewhere

Alexander Sacha Jerabek  9:16 AM

[VIVO i18n Standup]
Finished yesterday:
- added wiki 'test plan' page : Sprint Planning - i18n test plan
- started installing VTE
Working on today:
- finish installing VTE
- begin inventory of pages to check
- review Jira workflow

Nicolas Dickner 9:29 AM
[VIVO i18n Standup]
Finished yesterday:
- started fresh install of VTE
Working on today:
- finish installing VTE
- Code won't compile in VTE

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