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Title Last Updated By Updated
Page: 2011 DCAT Meeting Notes Archive Bram Luyten (Atmire) Jul 08, 2014
Page: 2011 DCAT New Feature Review Process Bram Luyten (Atmire) Feb 12, 2019
Page: 2012 DCAT Conference Call Dial-in (Deprecated) Bram Luyten (Atmire) Feb 12, 2019
Page: 2012 DCAT Meeting Notes Archive Bram Luyten (Atmire) Jul 08, 2014
Page: 2013 DCAT Discussion Schedule Bram Luyten (Atmire) Feb 12, 2019
Page: 2013 DCAT Meeting Notes Archive Bram Luyten (Atmire) Jul 08, 2014
Page: 2013-2014 Metadata Team Calls and Notes Bram Luyten (Atmire) Feb 12, 2019
Page: 2014 DCAT Meeting Notes Archive Bram Luyten (Atmire) Jul 08, 2014
Page: 2014 DSpace config review Bram Luyten (Atmire) Feb 12, 2019
Page: 2014-02-25 Metadata Team Meeting Notes Sarah Potvin Mar 05, 2014
Page: 2015 DCAT Meeting Notes Archive Bram Luyten (Atmire) Mar 05, 2016
Page: 2016 DCAT Meeting Notes Archive Bram Luyten (Atmire) May 25, 2017
Page: 2016 DSpace 6 Testathon Testplan Working group Bram Luyten (Atmire) Feb 12, 2019
Page: 2017 DCAT Meeting Notes Archive Bram Luyten (Atmire) Feb 12, 2019
Page: 2018 DCAT Meeting Notes Archive Bram Luyten (Atmire) Feb 12, 2019
Page: 2021 DSpace 7.1 User Documentation Sprints Pauline Ward Nov 26, 2021
Page: A Challenge  Howard Goldstein Jun 12, 2009
Page: About the Solutions Integration Community Matt Zumwalt Aug 12, 2009
Page: Active DCAT Projects and Working Groups Kimberly Chapman Sep 10, 2024
Page: Archived DCAT Projects and Working Groups Kimberly Chapman Sep 10, 2024
Page: Bibliography Carissa Smith Nov 20, 2008
Page: business cases to prioritize preservation and PREMIS Deborah Kaplan Jul 07, 2010
Page: Case Studies Ron Jantz Sep 30, 2009
Page: commDevMethod Thorny Staples Aug 29, 2008
Page: commDevOpenIssues Thorny Staples Aug 29, 2008
Page: Community Development Methodology Thorny Staples Aug 28, 2009
Page: Community Documents and Guidance Andrew Woods Jul 23, 2010
Page: Community Networking Survey Results Unknown User (wiki_transfer) Apr 02, 2010
Page: Community Requirements Gathering Tim Donohue Apr 08, 2010
Page: Community Requirements Gathering Chat, Week 1, 20 August 2008 Unknown User (wiki_transfer) Apr 02, 2010
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