Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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The first open-source release of DSpace-CRIS was based on DSpace 1.8.2. Current releases of DSpace-CRIS are based on current DSpace 7 snapshot, DSpace 5.11 and DSpace 6.4 versions1.

titleCurrent release

The latest release is DSpace-CRIS 7 20222023.0102.02 dated AugustFebruary, 309th 2022 2024

This version, released on the 6th Apr 2022, is aligned with DSpace 7.2.1 tag, which includes a security update for CVE-2022-22965 (Spring4Shell critical vulnerability). This version includes updates in metrics presentation and graphical facetsFebruary 9th 2024, provides minor improvements and bug fixing.

For previous DSpace versions the latest available tags are 5.11 and 6.4 both released on the August, 30th 2022 just after the release of the corresponding DSpace 6.4 and/or 5.11.  Please note that all the DSpace-CRIS versions based on DSpace versions older than 7.0 are End of Life (EOL) according to the corresponding DSpace announcement: Support for DSpace 5 and 6 is ending in 2023

Below there is a detailed release plan covering all the known features contributed by 4Science and other community members who support the enhancement of this open-source extension of DSpace (see: DSpace-CRIS Working Group). 

A visit to the community page maintained by DSpace-CRIS users is also recommended:

New functionalities are preferably only developed for DSpace-CRIS 7 but support for all versions accepted by the DSpace Community is provided. Institutions interested in enhancements for DSpace-CRIS 6.x and DSpace-CRIS 5.x are still welcome to contribute but a plan to implement or support the same use case with version 7 should be provided.

Versioning & support model


Versioning & support model

Starting from DSpace-CRIS 7 the project has adopted its Starting from DSpace-CRIS 7 the project has adopted its own versioning model to assure accurate tagging and tracking of the changes across the different releases. Version numbers will use the following schema year.major.minor. The major number will reset to 01 each year, minor numbers start from 00, for example 2021.01.00, 2021.01.01, 2021.02.00, 2022.01.00, etc.


The first production-ready DSpace-CRIS 7.0 was released on 2nd June 2021. The version supports the key use cases and the most demanded features of DSpace-CRIS according to the priorities defined by the community of users (DSpace-CRIS User Group).  The first version of DSpace-CRIS 7.0 addressed priorities 1 and 2 with contributions from supporting institutions (resource effort and/or funding) and volunteer work by 4Science (more than 3,000 hours in 2020 and 2021 on top of what 4Science provided for the plain DSpace 7). The original development plan is available here , where tasks in lower priorities can still be found with estimationbut it is not longer used to track progress and future plan that are instead described in the Product RoadMap and agreed within the DSpace-CRIS User Group.

Current development

As 7.0 version is based on DSpace 7 that is still under development (see: DSpace Release 7.0 Status), changes are being periodically merged from the upstream. With regard to version 7, the two roadmaps will be With regard to the roadmaps of DSpace and DSpace-CRIS they are still separated due to the significant amount of extra functionalities of DSpace-CRIS that is not possible to quickly give back to plain DSpace yet (possibly proposed for DSpace 8). From time to time features are contributed back / ported to DSpace and the DSpace-CRIS community aims to keep the two projects as closer as possible eventually rejoining them

DSpace-CRIS 7 is developed in the branches named dspace-cris-7 in the REST API, Angular and Rest contract repositories maintained by 4Science. The development of DSpace-CRIS closely follows the deploy of the official DSpace 7 and new developments from the mainstream are generally merged in DSpace-CRIS within 1-2 weeks. The code is now very stable and there are many projects already running on this codebase that are expected to go in production in the coming months.

DSpace-CRIS 7 moves the CRIS objects to the DSpace items with the extended concept of Configurable Entities, maintaining the Authority Framework as an efficient, flexible, performant way to manage relations among objects, successfully used in hundreds of real installations around the world since more than 10 years.


  • Processes tailored to the entity types
  • Many additional data providers
  • Support for structured metadata, ternary relationships and nested metadata
  • Configurable layout for entities in tabs and boxes
  • ORCID v3 complete integration (pull and push of profile information, publications, projects, employments, qualification)
  • Management of personal profiles
  • Granular permissions at metadata level
  • Enhanced statistics visualization, reports, export capabilities including CVs in PDF, citation lists according to the CSL, and much more.

Please check the release notes of each DSpace-CRIS version and the technical documentation for more details.

A presentation of the newly released DSpace-CRIS was given at Open Repositories:

slides: Video: (starting at: 1h 03' 55").

Next releases

DSpace-CRIS 20222023.02.03.00 expected by end November 2022

  • sync with DSpace 7.4
  • bug fixing and minor improvements (to be specified)
  • other improvements to be defined according to the running projects and contributions

DSpace-CRIS 2022.02.00 expected by end Sept 2022 

  • sync with DSpace 7.3
  • Improvement to the correction service (anticipated in 2022.01.02)
  • Support for multilingual values: display the metadata of each item according to the user preference (anticipated in 2022.01.02)
  • Support for the viewer framework: to allow developer to plug viewer specialized in rendering of specific file types
  • bug fixing and minor improvements (to be specified)


is expected by spring of 2024 if no urgent issues are reported first.

DSpace-CRIS 2024.01.00 TBD

  • COAR Notify 
  • based on a DSpace 8.0-snapshot commit t.b.d.

Unspecified versions (looking for funders / contributors)

  • Item Claim 
  • Resourcesync


DSpace-CRIS 7 2023.02.02 February, 9th

This version, released on the 9th of February 2024, provides minor improvements and bug fixing.

Key Enhancements

  • Created a bootable jar to execute DSpace REST as Spring Boot application

  • Added the internal routing on the counted component and improved its general appearance and behavior

  • Removed the dropdown menu with SherpaRomeo suggestions when entering the title of Books

  • Added support to display an alternative tab/box if the configured one is not accessible by the current user

  • Added AddToAny for sharing posts on social media

  • Implemented a GDPR-compliant metrics integration

    • Isolated consents for third party metrics, each of the metrics can be accepted/declined separately.

    • Script loading is conditional to allow giving consent for each metric.

    • Disabling each metric is possible on the whole environment via configuration property.

  • In order to have, for ORCID, an external identifier even for orgunits like departments, with this version the orgunit hierarchy is scanned upwards, and the first identifier is used for the disambiguation

  • Improved the post preview on social media when sharing it from the social buttons

  • Improved the appearance of subscription emails

  • The MetadataImporter was updated in order to be able to load all the registries at once, with the possibility of configuring which files must be used and without having to specify the file to use for every import

  • The ItemEnhancer now avoids performing an update of an item when there are no changes in the calculated virtual metadata, even when the deep \(previously named force\) mode is used. This prevents triggering other consumers, such as reindexing or altering the last modification date of the item if not really needed.

  • Created utility functions to handle internal and external links

  • The ROR integration also shows the country when providing suggestions in a field

Bug fixes

  • Using discovery configuration communityOrCollection for the item mapper in the item administrative section

  • Fixed the issue that made filters in the search section not work correctly if square brackets are used

  • Fixed the logo being displayed on the communities & collections pages. The logo had no maximum size

  • Added tests to test the community/collection logo could be edited once set/uploaded

  • The default logo was Person but the default one is now File since not every thumbnail is generally related to a Person it makes sense to have a more generic logo/thumbnail

  • This technical improvement opens the opportunity for performance improvements each time that a script or other functionalities require to work over all or a large list of items.

  • Restored the filters in the sidebar on the Search Results page

  • Fixed the link authn error during external login \(OIDC\)

  • Fixed the issue of not listing any community or collection when starting CSV and XLS Metadata export

  • The item page resolver function was corrected in the case of a single leading tab, resolving the issue of having a stuck loading of pages

  • Fix cris-layout box for bitstream type

  • Removed the yellow bar on the top of the page

  • Fixed the infinite scroll in the pop-up appearing when clicking the “All of DSpace” button in the search bar on MyDSpace page

  • Fixed the infinite scroll in the pop-up appearing when adding an entity starting from the option in the administration menu

  • Fixed the issue of the impossibility of running the filter-media process with limitations to a community or collection

  • Fixed the “detect duplicate” error which prevented the depositing of an item with a correction request

  • Fixed error with the process page not being correctly updated once the process ended

Based on DSpace tag 7.6.1 (backend) and 7.6.1 (front-end)


DSpace-CRIS 7 2023.02.01 December, 27th

This version, released on the 27th December 2023, provides minor improvements and bug fixing.

Key Enhancements

  • Added item export format to export items as zip
  • Added possibility to restrict export format by groups
  • Introduced new metadata to show/hide item’s bitstreams using advanced-attachment
  • Updated AddtoAny twitter button icon and label to X
  • Added missing labels for ROR integration

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue with redirecting after Shibboleth login
  • Fixed bug with read only fields within submission form

Based on DSpace tag 7.6.1 (backend) and 7.6.1 (front-end)

DSpace-CRIS 7 2023.02.00 November, 30th

This version, released on the 30th November 2023, provides alignment with DSpace 7.6.1 tag.

Upgrade instruction

The SOLR cores configuration MUST be updated with the last updates of this release.

A full SOLR reindex is reccomended, the search core could contains data that are inconsistent with the updated schema.xml version. You can rebuild the index via the dspace index-discovery script.

This could be a new script to be put in crontab

Key Enhancements

  • Alignment with DSpace 7.6.1 tag. See DSpace 7.6 release notes and DSpace 7.6.1 release notes for further information.
  • Improved ORCID login flow. Now it is possible to complete the login process even when the ORCID account’s email is private.
  • Improved ORCID integration with versioned entities. Now only the last versioned item is synchronized with ORCID.
  • Improved ROR integration. ROR is now exposed to datacite, it is possible to import orgunit from ROR and use the additional information like ROR id and type of orgunit to facilitate the selection of the correct orgunit.
  • Now the CRIS layout tool support multiple layout for the same entity accordingly to definable custom filters.

Major improvements areas / bug fixes

  • Improved application performance during SSR. Now requests for pages which contain search results are fetched on CSR only.
  • Changed route behavior for CRIS item pages. First tab defined by the CRIS layout is no longer used in the item’s URL. To maintain backward compatibility redirect to the main page is done automatically.
  • Improved managing of metadata security toggle for nested metadata.
  • Improved stability of hide and sort functionality.
  • Bulk export is accessible by the admin sidebar.
  • Improved sitemap generation to exclude restricted content and duplicate links for item.
  • Improved performance of filter-media script

Based on DSpace tag 7.6.1 (backend) and 7.6.1 (front-end)

DSpace-CRIS 7 2023.01.01 October, 4th

Version released on 4th of October, provides minor changes and bug fixing

Key Enhancements

  • Improved UI responsivity
  • Dynamic Edit Mode evaluation based on custom filters
  • Advanced attachments layout improvements
  • Improved metric donuts layout in search
  • Improved categories in statistics section

Major improvements areas / bug fixes

  • Fixed search tools in mobile view
  • Scopus Improvements in import & NPE prevention
  • Improved Usability of small buttons in MyDspace page
  • Fixed request correction feature not removing bitstreams
  • Enabled the use of legacy OAI identifiers
  • Fixed Live import missing mapping features for fields
  • Fixed Sherpa Romeo policies changes not reflected
  • Datacite schema version update (v. 4)
  • Fixed APA generation with citeproc
  • Fixed End User Agreement showing twice

Based on DSpace tag 7.5 (backend) and 7.5 (front-end)

DSpace-CRIS 7 2023.01.00 June, 9th

Version released on 9th of june, provides alignment with DSpace 7.5 tag. See DSpace 7.5 release notes

Key Enhancements

  • Alignment with DSpace 7.5. See DSpace 7.5 release notes.
  • Replace AddThis as social plugin manager with AddToAny
  • Export of the current cris layout configuration as a reusable xls
  • Ability to configure the explore sections under hierarchical menu
  • bug fixing

Major improvements areas / bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug affecting special groups membership evaluation during CRIS security checks

  • Added a new LimitedMetadataContributor to Live Import Framework, to limit number of metadata of the same type to be imported

  • Improved Line chart visualization in statistics page reflecting the selected time interval

  • AuthorityImportFiller for fundings gathering data from OpenAIRE added, Fundings related to other DSpace-CRIS Objects can be created with those gathered data

  • Restored subject in sent email

  • Hidden Relationships tab in Edit item page

  • CMS metadata admin section improved

  • Submission: dropdown values associated to blank metadata value are not stored

  • Migration: fixed missing relationship values

DSpace-CRIS 7 2022.03.01 April, 21st

This version, released on the 21st April 2023, provides alignment with DSpace 7.4 tag. See DSpace 7.4 release notes.

Key Enhancements

  • Support for the viewer framework: to allow developer to plug viewer specialized in rendering of specific file types
  • Configurable item brief view
  • Increased flexibility for the Edit item configuration​: support for multiple security policies, link the edit modes to the original submission form name to differentiate edit inside the same entity (i.e. edit options for a publication, a thesis, etc could be different)
  • Scopus live import update​
  • Use the Sherpa Romeo database as an authority for journal relationship​
  • Automatic guessing of linked entities during import ​
  • Advanced Attachment: cleaner visualization of the bitstreams, possibility to configure which bitstream's metadata are shown in the item page

Major improvements areas / bug fixes

  • General improvements on Angular side
  • Google Scholar cannot index PDF
  • Fixed migration steps from DSpace CRIS 5
  • Fixed errors in metadata extraction step
  • LDAP Authentication box not displayed when Password Authentication is disabled

Based on DSpace tag 7.4 (backend) and 7.4 (front-end)


DSpace-CRIS 7 2022.03.00 December, 30th

This version, released on the 30th Dec 2022, provides alignment with DSpace 7.4 tag. See DSpace 7.4 release notes.

Key Enhancements

  • Shared workspace feature: all coauthors can work on the same workspace item

  • Enhanced advanced attachment item rendering, with possibility of completely hide a bitstream from item details page

  • Scopus and Wos import scripts can be limited to a configurable amount of items

  • Configurable crisref icons

Major improvements areas / bug fixes

  • Hide/sort (management of related entities) feature

  • Researcher profile creation

  • Item presentation: date rendering and multi language metadata support

  • Item enhancers feature

  • Login redirect in case anonymous user is not authorized to see a DSpace Object

  • Admin sidebar options

Based on DSpace tag 7.4 (backend) and 7.4 (front-end)

DSpace-CRIS 7 2022.02.00 September, 30th

This version, released on the 05th Oct 2022, provides alignment with DSpace 7.3 tag. See DSpace 7.3 release notes

Key Enhancements

Major improved areas/bug fixes
Several bug fixes and improvements have been introduced in the area of:

  • item layout and configurations
  • fixed entity type set during item creation
  • fixed attachment rendering pagination
  • optimized statistics loading and scopus import script

Based on DSpace tag 7.3 (backend) and 7.3 (front-end)

DSpace-CRIS 7 2022.01.02 August, 30th



DSpace-CRIS 7 2021.03.00 December, 30th 

This version, released on the 30th Dec 2021, provides a new way of rendering an Item detail page, possibility of adding custom html fragments in home page, share functionality. Search and browsing performances have been improved, and further checks have been added to improve security and prevent the saving of Items in an invalid state when edited. Details of this release are reported below.

Key Enhancements
  • New Item Detail page based on the concept of matrix layout (see notes and presentations from the WG meetings in December and November)

  • Enforced metadata profile in no-administrative edit screens (prevent to save change to item with invalid or missing mandatory metadata)

  • Edit of html fragments in the home page

  • Share on social networks via addthis

  • Several minor bugs fixed

  • Aligned with DSpace 7 community last improvement, with a preview of several features of 7.2 tag

  • performance improvements in browsing and search listing

Data presentation
  • new Item Detail page, with matrix layout

  • Hide the bitstream list in the item page when no bitstreams are available

  • Provided a standard and semi automatic way to define i18n keys for item layout pages

  • Filters and facets can be built using display value for metadata set using lists or controlled vocabularies

  • Extended valuepair rendering to metadata defined via a controlled vocabulary

  • Layout configuration performed via DSpace-CRIS 7 process or CLI command

Data security
  • Items cannot be saved in an invalid state

  • Item security evaluation when exporting in csv or xls.

  • Invitation to join groups

Release based on DSpace commits dbede2b (backend) and 7abdceb (front-end)

DSpace-CRIS 7 2021.02.02 December, 14th

The key changes in this version, released on the 14th Dec 2021, relate to alignment with DSpace 7.1.1

This is an updated version of the dspace-cris-2021.02.01, aligned with DSpace 7.1.1 release, which includes a security update for CVE-2021-44228 (log4j v2 critical vulnerability). It is fully compatible with the DSpace-CRIS 7 Frontend dspace-cris-2021.02.01 release.

We highly recommend ALL users of DSpace-CRIS 2021.01.x or 2021.02.x upgrade to cris-2021.02.02 to resolve CVE-2021-44228.

To fully protect your DSpace-CRIS 2021.x site from CVE-2021-44228, three steps are required:

  1. Upgrade your DSpace-CRIS backend to 2021.02.02 OR manually install #8065, rebuild and redeploy your DSpace-CRIS backend. Make sure to restart your Tomcat after the update.

  2. Upgrade to Apache Solr v8.11.1 (or above), OR ensure that -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true is specified in your SOLR_OPTS environment variable. For more information, see Solr™ Security News

  3. If you use the Handle.Net Registry Support in DSpace-CRIS 2021.x, make sure to restart your Handle Server (after performing step 1), so that it uses the new (secure) version of log4j as well.

For the technical documentation please refers to the dspace-cris 2021.02.01 release notes

DSpace-CRIS 7 2021.02.01 November, 11th

The key changes in this release relate to alignment with DSpace 7.1 tag. Some additional nice features have been also introduced, see below for details

Key Enhancements
  • Alignement with DSpace 7.1 tag
  • Performance improvements
  • Aligned with DSpace 7.1 tag, several bugs have been resolved
Data migration
  • Added redirection from the legacy CRIS 5 details page to the new CRIS 7 details page
Data presentation
  • MyDSpace is now updated when a task is claimed
  • Allowed to use of graphical facets in home page and explore sections
  • Added PlumX widget for publication and person metrics
  • Hide relations box if the content is empty
  • Provided a valuepair rendering type for the item detail
Data quality & accuracy
  • Added the possibility to replace metadata value when item reference is resolved
Data security
  • Metrics boxes does not appear if the current user has no rights to see them
  • Allowed to turnoff completely the end user agreement
  • Prevented patch and put of item metadata if user is not allowed
  • Fixed the partially breaking of the reset password feature when usage terms are not yet accepted
  • Admin is now able to reset other user's password

DSpace-CRIS 7 2021.02.00 October, 27th

This version is aligned with DSpace 7.0 tag. It improves the stability of the platform and provide a better support for users migrating from DSpace-CRIS 5. Some additional nice features have been also introduced, see below for details

Key Enhancements
  • Subscription feature: functionality that allows you to receive updates on specific dspace objects
  • Introduced lucky search
  • Migration from DSpace-CRIS 5 improved (migrate ORCID tokens, metadata values language and boolean values)
  • Allow anonymous user to export items and search results


DSpace-CRIS 7 2021.01.01 August, 11th

This is a minor release, no breaking changes have been introduced. This version is aligned with DSpace 7.0 tag, which carries several fixes of bugs present in previous SNAPSHOT version.

Key Enhancements
Data collection
  • Added possibility of setting submission form's panels opened / closed when submission form is rendered
  • Inline metadata groups are sortable
  • Aligned with DSpace 7.0 tag, several bugs have been resolved
Data presentation
  • Added possibility of having icons in box headers
  • Orcid identifier links to profile on ORCID registry
  • Updated profile picture export
  • OAI: Fixed list records in cerif format
  • Statistic accessible via contextual menu
  • Improved navigation out of statistics page
  • Profile management
  •  When a researcher profile is created, data are enriched with target collection's template item (if present)
Data quality & accuracy
  • Updated deduplication checks: item type and target community and collection are evaluated while detecting duplicates.
  • Added support for Orcid Funded-By during synchronization
  • Improved handling of special characters during ORCID synchronization
  • More crosswalk export formats available for Patent entity
  • Virtual field to print a date in different formats during crosswalk dissemination
  • Virtual field to explore and print part of the controlled vocabulary hierarchy during crosswalk dissemination
Data security
  • If user belongs to a special group during process scheduling, this group is taken into account while running the process.
  • Nested metadata groups are displayed only if security defined for their parent metadata allows their display
  • Added security rule “CUSTOM DATA & ADMINISTRATOR” to make data available to Administrators or depending on some custom user defined rules.

based on DSpace version 7.0 tag Rest commit 3d9df39 and Angular commit  9fc7b57 

Documentation at

DSpace-CRIS 7 2021.01.00 June, 2nd

This version fully supports all key use cases for a modern repository and RIMS / CRIS system. It is designed for new users, as migration from previous versions still requires some custom data extraction and transformation.

With DSpace-CRIS 7, 4Science is delighted to announce a number of key enhancements which improve the flexibility, integration, data quality and accuracy of DSpace-CRIS: 

  • Full ORCID v3 integration (push/pull information)
  • Integration with dozen external data sources, including commercial ones, to retrieve bibliographic and bibliometric data
  • Support for decentralised management, self-service researcher profile management and approval workflows
  • Aligned to the latest OpenAIRE Guidelines for Literature Repositories, Data Archives and CRIS Managers
  • Data quality tools ensure that your information is always complete and accurate

These enhancements with DSpace-CRIS 7 build on the new DSpace 7 architecture, featuring a new Angular UI and a fully-featured REST API. 

  • Aligned with DSpace 7
  • full REST API with a documented contract
  • modern Angular SPA UI
  • DSpace-CRIS can be integrated with several Identity Provider ranging from Shibboleth, LDAP, OpenID Connect, ORCID to a local username/password (encrypted) database
Data collection
  • Submission process for all the entities in the OpenAIRE CRIS information space (Publications, Patents, Products, People, OrgUnits, Projects, Fundings, Equipments, Journals)
  • Import from external sources available for most entity types: Fundings from OpenAIRE, Patents from the European Patent Office, OrgUnits from Sherpa/RoMEO (publisher), People from ORCID, Publications from ORCID, PubMed, CrossRef, Scopus, Web of Science, OpenAIRE, arXiv, NASA/ADS, CiNii, Scielo, VuFind, PubMed Europe), Journals from Sherpa/RoMEO
  • Automatic enrichment of manual submission looking up to the external providers by identifiers
  • Bulk operations (creation, update, delete) via xls on all the entities with easy cross-linking (any identifier can be used to link any kind of entities, i.e. publications to a person via an ORCID, staffno, etc) and future reference (link to an entity that is not yet in the system via an identifier that will be resolved later). Bulk operations are validated against your data model, submission configuration and security (mandatory and available fields, relations, etc.)
  • Publication Metadata extraction from Scholarly PDF via machine vision (based on the Grobid project)
  • Receive automatic alert from compatible providers (OpenAIRE, ORCID) about missing publications or wrong/incomplete data on existing records
  • Automatically import new publications for your researcher from Scopus and Web of Science
  • Grab bibliometrics data for your publications and authors from Scopus and Web of Science
  • Manage complex structured data as nested metadata and ternary relations
Data presentation
  • define sections and entry points to explore your repository composing configurable widget such as sorted list of objects (Most viewed, Most cited, Recent additions, etc.), infographics for key indicators (number of publications, researchers, etc.), search facets, browse indexes, advanced search form and branding messages
  • easily organise your data without code change in tabs and boxes
  • include references to linked entities in any entity page (i.e. the list of publications of a researcher, the list of funding received by a project, etc.)
  • present search results and linked entities in a graphical way with pie, line, bar charts
  • export your researchers information in professional looking PDF/RDF CV
  • export details about your other entities (Funding, Projects, Organisations, etc.) in PDF/RDF fact sheets
  • export publications data in citation formats (APA, Chicago, MLA, etc.) via CSL
  • show the bibliometrics collected for your publications and authors
  • include alternative metrics information for your publication from AltMetric and/or Dimension
  • ORCID and authenticated ORCID are properly displayed in researcher profiles and linked records (publications, projects, etc.)
  • granular visibility at metadata level based on contextual rules (financial data of a funding visible only to the investigators involved in the project, personal contact data only to HR people, etc.)
  • rich and extensible usage reports are available for all the entities including direct data (visualization and download) and aggregated data about the linked objects (visualization of researcher's publications, etc.). Data can be visualized in tabular and graphical form with maps and exportable charts (pie, line, bar). Reports can be produced for a specific time frame or since the system setup
Profile management
  • Researchers can manage directly selected information in their profiles and linked records
  • List of linked objects in the profile can be amended, hiding unwanted objects (old research) and forcing a preferred visualization order (selected publications, projects, etc.)
  • ORCID Synchronisation: the researcher can connect/disconect her local profile with ORCID to received suggestion about missing publication and push update to the ORCID registry
  • ORCID preferences: it is possible to configure which details are synchronised (biographic information, affiliation, qualification, education, publications, funding) setting a manual or automatic (over the night) push
Data quality & accuracy
  • Identify potential duplicate during the submission and approval workflow
  • get flags for unrelated entities or uncertain matches (i.e. not identified authors in a publication, investigator in a project, etc.). Option to automatically create new records for specific entity types or manual curate the authorities
  • configurable lookup authorities both internals than externals, such as the personal staff, the ORCID registries, the recorded fundings, the OpenAIRE project database and more
  • default to international approved data model (CERIF / OpenAIRE) and controlled vocabularies (COAR)
  • retains identifier for external entities for future use and automatic match (i.e. ORCID of external authors)
  • enforced validation in bulk operation to guarantee that the record structure always match your definition (i.e. the proper metadata are used according to the entity definition)
  • Receive automatic alert from compatible providers (OpenAIRE, ORCID) about missing publications or wrong/incomplete data on existing records
  • Automatically ingest publications for your researchers from Scopus and Web of Science
  • Configurable workflows by collection and entity types to involve librarians, research officer, legal, ethical and financial department in data input and verification
  • Correction workflow to be used by less privileged user to request correction on existing record that need to be moderated
  • Easily to monitor and organise tasks queue for approvals, changes in correction requests are highlighted 
Data security
  • enforced granular security at the metadata level across the whole platform: REST API, export and import tool, visualization
  • support for partial editing so that researcher can edit some (configurable) information in their profile and their related records without touching master data coming from external systems or under the Institution responsibility
  • easily access to an audit log of all the operations performed on a record 
  • REST API are protected using JWT, SSL, CSRF Token
  • Connectors to retrieve records (Publication, Person, Funding, OrgUnit, Journal) from 17 external data sources
  • Connectors to retrieve bibliometrics data for your publications and authors from Scopus and Web of Science
  • Full integration (push/pull) with ORCID via v3 API and support for WebHook (Premium API)
  • Aligned to the latest OpenAIRE Guidelines for Literature Repositories (v4, v3), Data Archives (v4 unreleased) and CRIS Managers (v1.1.1)
  • Full REST API
  • export options in XML, CERIF XML, XLS for all the entities
