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titleWork in Progress

This analysis and prioritization is a work in progress. Therefore, the categorization, complexity and prioritization of individual use cases is NOT finalized and may change as we receive additional feedback, suggestions.


This page provides an analysis and prioritization for the Use Cases gathered via the 2014 Vision Survey and later DCAT Use Case gathering meetings. A few notes on this analysis:

Priorities are in "draft" form, but have been assigned based on a combination of three factors:

  • "Votes" (likes or comments) on the Use Case page itself
  • The average ranking from the 2014 Vision Survey (if it was included in that survey). These average rankings appear in the table on the DSpace 2014 Product Plan page
  • The RoadMap Working Group's guess as to the likely priority of this use case. This working group consists of DCAT, Committer and Steering Group members.

Complexity is also in "draft" form and is based on the current state of the codebase. As such, it may change drastically for some use cases based on the eventual 2015-16 Technical RoadMap document. For example, a use case which already exists or "mostly" exists may be ranked as "Low". But if the RoadMap recommends rebuilding/refactoring related features/dependencies, its complexity may increase to "Medium" or "High".

Core / Non-Core specifies whether a given Use Case seems to be a "core" use case or "non-core" (Note: non-core does NOT mean this feature shouldn't be possible in DSpace. Rather, it just means that it likely should be provided either via an extension or integration to the "core" of DSpace).

Advanced Tables - Table Plus
CategoryUse Case NamePrimary Actor


Related Topics / NotesRelated Technical Strategic Goal(s)



Priority (1-5)
(1 = highest)

DepositBatch Deposit (via UI / uploading spreadsheet)End User / Administrator


  • But, this particular use case is asking for an easier route to Batch Deposit, via CSV.  Could be implemented via using some of the CSV code in Batch Metadata Editing (which is a good example of basic deposit via CSV)
Goal 1: Fundamentals of IR,


5: Low cost, "just works"xMedium/High


Browse/SearchBrowseEnd User
  • Basic version of this use case already exists in Discovery 
  • This particular use case implies some enhancements / cleanup
Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRxLow



  • Use case describes a problem with how contributors are treated in DSpace (via Discovery)
  • Suggests an "Author Profile" page, which is related to both the @mire "Author Profiles" module and DSpace-CRIS



  • Already possible in DSpace, but it's not an "easy" thing to configure
  • Related to Discovery and Authorization / Access rights in general

Goal 1: Fundamentals of IR

Goal 5: Low cost, "just works"



EditingCrowdsourcing metadata for archived itemsEnd UserGoal 5: Low cost, "just works" Medium


DepositCurated thumbnailsEnd User
  • Relates to the following:
    • Media Filters
    • Submission UI


Browse/SearchDiscovery and retrieval of content on mobile devicesEnd User
  • Relates to the following:
    • Discovery
    • Themes (especially Mirage2 / JSPUI on bootstrap)
Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRxLow



  • Deposit interface already exists obviously, but this implies several enhancements
  • This might be as simple as cleaning it up and making it easier to use (with tooltips, etc), and adding more HTML5 functionality (e.g. drag and drop)
  • Loosely related to Admin UI - Aids and tooltips in the


Goal 1: Fundamentals of IR,
Goal 4: Integration with external services



Browse/SearchEnhanced access to related itemsEnd User
  • Seems like it could be easily implementable by simply hyperlinking author names, subjects and linking them to searches on those "facets" in Discovery
Goal 1: Fundamentals of IR





  • Already exists to some extent in the existing CC Licensing deposit step. Unclear what enhancements would be implied to the existing functionality
Goal 4: Integration with external services Low



  • Great idea. But may require locating tools that can either be redistributed freely, or turning this into an optional module (which requires additional tools be installed)

Goal 5: Low cost, "just works"



Browse/SearchIntelligent rendering of URL's in item MetadataEnd User
  • Seems like it could be easily implementable in Discovery
Goal 1: Fundamentals of IR




EditingItem editing by original submittersEnd User  High


Browse/SearchSearch for itemsEnd User
  • Already exists in Discovery, but may require some minor enhancements to how searches work in Discovery
Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRxLow


User ExperienceStreaming Video ContentEnd UserGoal 5: Low cost, "just works" High


User ExperienceVisitor can play media hosted on an external streaming media serverEnd User
  • Closely related to use case: Streaming Video Content
  • Would require locating tools that can either be redistributed freely, or turning this into an optional module (which requires additional tools be installed)
Goal 5: Low cost, "just works" High3
User Experience, ThemingVisual collection browsingEnd User
  • Unclear how popular this is. Could it be as simple as selecting a collection "type" (textual, image-based, etc) to enable different "themes"?
IncompleteAbility to specify the emphasis of a collection through GUIAdministrator  ?5
PreservationAdvanced Preservation - Format characterizationAdministratorGoal 1: Fundamentals of IR,
Goal 4: Integration with external services
PreservationAdvanced Preservation - Format MigrationAdministrator
  • Would need to be an integration with an external service/tool
Goal 4: Integration with external services High4
User Experience


  • Discovery
  • Media Filters (Thumbnail generation)


Aids and tooltips in the UIAdministrator / End UserGoal 5: Low cost, "just works"xLow / Medium1
EditingAllow collection administrators to perform bulk metadata importAdministrator
  • Directly related to existing "Batch Metadata Editing" feature (which is currently Admin only though)
Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRxLow3

Theming , Configuration

Alter messages easierAdministrator Goal 5: Low cost, "just works"xMedium2
ThemingApply an existing theme to a collection or community through the GUIAdministrator Goal 5: Low cost, "just works"xHigh1

Configuration, Deposit

Apply an input-form to the collection through the GUIAdministrator Goal 5: Low cost, "just works"xHigh1

Deposit, Workflow,

Approval workflowsAdministrator
  • Currently flagged as incomplete simply cause this use case has no details, so it's difficult to determine if it's fully "met" by the software
Goal 5: Low cost, "just works"xLow4
PreservationBasic Preservation - Fixity CheckingAdministrator
  • Existing Checksum checker & reporter does some of this, but not in UI
Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRxMedium2
PreservationBasic Preservation - Format identificationAdministrator
  • Current format identification is rudimentary (based on file extension). This has been an issue for some time

Goal 1: Fundamentals of IR

PreservationBasic Preservation - Format validationAdministrator
  • Is this something DSpace should do by default? Or should this really be an optional module which connects to an external service to perform validation?

Goal 4: Integration with external services

Content ModelChange community/collection parent/child relationshipAdministrator
  • Currently no easy way to perform moves of Communities or Collections, except via DB editing.
Goal 5: Low cost, "just works"xMedium1
Access ControlChange permissions of all the bitstreams in an itemAdministrator
  • Exists in DSpace, but not an easy task to perform
Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRxLow2
ConfigurationChanging / Editing OAI crosswalksAdministrator
  • Unclear how frequently such changes would need to be made. So, may not be a high priority for Admin UI quite yet.
OAI , Browse/SearchClear the OAI CacheAdministrator   Low3
ReportingCollection Admin can construct a Quality Control reportAdministrator
  • May need some more specific use cases (types of reports, etc), as there's a lot of possibilities here
Goal 5: Low cost, "just works" Medium3
EditingCollection Admin can select fields to include in metadata exportAdministrator
  • Directly related to making "Batch Metadata Editing" easier. You can manually delete fields after CSV export.
Goal 5: Low cost, "just works" Medium4
DuplicateConfiguration edits to dspace.cfgAdministrator    
ConfigurationConfigurations in the admin UIAdministrator Goal 5: Low cost, "just works"xHigh1
IncompleteConfigure and Manage changes during an updateAdministrator   ?5
DuplicateConfigure and manage custom facetsAdministrator    

Configuration , Browse/Search

Customise which metadata fields to facet upon, search uponAdministrator Goal 5: Low cost, "just works"xHigh2
DuplicateDatabase Driven Configuration Property ManagementAdministrator    
Deposit, Access ControlEmbargo functionalityAdministrator
  • DSpace already has some built in Embargo options. But, as Embargoes seem to be a hot topic, might be worth reviewing what enhancements are needed.
Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRxLow2
DuplicateEnd to end solution for user who wish to batch depositAdministrator    
Reporting, CurationEnhance the DSpace Curation System to Support a Flexible Query ToolAdministrator Goal 5: Low cost, "just works" Medium3
Preservation, ReportingFormat reportingAdministratorGoal 1: Fundamentals of IRxMedium2
DepositGenerate Handle before commiting ItemEnd User, Administrator
  • Unclear how popular / common this use case is
Goal 4: Integration with external services Medium4
Configuration, DepositManage controlled vocabulariesAdministratorGoal 5: Low cost, "just works"xMedium/High2
ThemingManage home pageAdministrator Goal 5: Low cost, "just works"xHigh1
Configuration , Browse/SearchManage Indexes/IndexingAdministratorGoal 5: Low cost, "just works"xMedium1

Configuration, Deposit

Manage input formsAdministratorGoal 5: Low cost, "just works"xHigh1


Move a collection and trigger a re-indexAdministrator    
DuplicateMove a communityAdministrator    
IncompletePermissions of a new user in an eperson groupAdministrator   ?5
ReportingQuality Control ReportsAdministratorGoal 5: Low cost, "just works" Low/Medium3
Browse/SearchRebuild the discovery indexAdministratorGoal 5: Low cost, "just works"xLow2
OAI , Browse/SearchRebuild the OAI indexAdministratorGoal 5: Low cost, "just works" Low3
DuplicateRun batch loadEnd User, Administrator    
Deposit, Browse/SearchRun media filtersAdministrator Goal 5: Low cost, "just works"xLow2
ThemingTheme managementAdministratorGoal 5: Low cost, "just works"xHigh1
ThemingTheme templatesAdministratorGoal 5: Low cost, "just works"xHigh1
Browse/SearchTrigger the re-index of a collectionAdministratorGoal 5: Low cost, "just works"xLow2
DepositUndo a bulk import from the User InterfaceAdministrator
  • Related to End User - Batch Deposit
  • If a Batch Deposit has you verify the batch prior to deposit, this "undo" may be less necessary.
Goal 5: Low cost, "just works" Medium/High3
DepositWorkflowAccess ControlUpdating a Workflow groupAdministrator
  • As noted in use case, already possible in Configurable Workflow. But not easy in the default "workflow".
Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRxLow2
Deposit, WorkflowWorkflow Overview RejectionAdministrator
  • This is more of a bug report, but likely one to resolve
Configuration, ReportingSystem Alerts via Admin UIAdministrator
  • Relates to alerting an admin to possible configuration
  • Some alerts may be easier to implement than others
Goal 5: Low cost, "just works"xMedium2
Access ControlAccess Rights (public / private / limited access) on all levels of objects (Community / Collection / Item / Bitstream) within the systemAdministrator
  • Available to some extent, but very difficult to currently configure.
Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRxMedium2
Statistics, ReportingAdvanced StatisticsEnd User, Administrator
  • While this is of high interest, it'd be hard to compete with tools which excel in statistical analysis (e.g. Google Analytics). So, it may be better to rely on an integration with external tools.
  • But, a few of these use cases though might be relatively easy to add into existing Solr-based Statistics (e.g. referrer info).
Goal 4: Integration with external services Medium3
StatisticsAllow repository admin to make usage statistics anonymousAdministrator
  • This is essentially a feature request / configuration request, but still seems to be a reasonable one.
Statistics, ReportingBasic StatisticsEnd User, Administrator
  • The basis for these use cases are in the existing Solr Statistics. But, there's several enhancements / reports that are new.
  • Ranked as one of the highest features in Vision Survey
Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRxMedium1
StatisticsCategorize and count item page referrers (Google search, Google Scholar, repository full text search, repository facet search, repository browse, repository related item, external link)End User, Administrator  Low3
StatisticsClarify "Page Views per Search"End User, Administrator xLow3
StatisticsClearly display item statistics and bitstream statisticsEnd User, Administrator xLow2
StatisticsClearly identify whether statistics counts apply to an object or to an object and its descendantsEnd User, Administrator xLow2
StatisticsConfigure Date Ranges for Usage ReportsEnd User, Administrator xLow2
StatisticsConfigure the number of top searches to displayAdministrator   Low3
Statistics, IntegrationsConvey collection hierarchy to Google AnalyticsAdministrator Goal 4: Integration with external servicesxMedium3
StatisticsCumulative Counts for Collection PagesAdministrator xLow3
StatisticsCumulative Counts for Community PagesAdministrator xLow3
StatisticsDistinguish full-text searches from faceted navigationAdministrator xLow3
Statistics, ReportingExport Usage StatisticsAdministrator, End User?  xMedium2
StatisticsFilter Usage by Referrer DomainAdministrator   Medium3
StatisticsInclude item usage statistics on public-facing item pagesEnd User
  • Seems like an improvement to Basic Stats
  • Added as a child to Basic Statistics
  • As implied in use case, may need to be configurable
Statistics, ReportingMore robust and configurable statistics reportsAdministrator  Medium3
StatisticsView number of times an item has been included in search resultsAdministrator
  • Unsure how widespread this use case is?
StatisticsView Statistics Collection by Collection and Community by CommunityAdministrator xMedium3
Integrations, Access Control, ConfigurationIntegration with external authentication / authorisation systemAdministrator
  • Already implemented through LDAP, Shibboleth, and CAS support.
  • Perhaps needs OAuth support in the future?
Goal 4: Integration with external servicesxMedium2
Integrations, Access Control, ConfigurationAuthentication through Multiple MechanismsAdministrator
  • Not only integrate with external authentication services, but allow multiple external authentication options on a single service.
  • Already implemented via Authentication Plugin mechanism?
Goal 4: Integration with external servicesxMedium2
Integrations, MetadataLinking to other data sources search for available dataEnd User
  • Quite tricky. May be hard to match metadata sources. Some sources may need a subscription.
  • Perhaps easier to implement through a method such as "Provide DOI, DSpace will find all the metadata"
Goal 4: Integration with external services High4
Integrations Use of multiple sorts of Direct Object IdentifiersAdministrator
  • Adding CrossRef DOI support
Goal 4: Integration with external services Medium3
Integrations, DepositImporting large files into repositories using an external systemEnd User
  • Overlap with lots of 'deposit' use cases
  • Can be implemented via SWORD? Perhaps therefore not a DSpace requirement as such?
Goal 4: Integration with external services Medium4
Integrations, User Experience Linking to repository content through a learning management systemEnd User
  • Could be performed using LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability)
  • Or could be implemented with a simple 'share this' type of approach
Goal 4: Integration with external services Medium4
Integrations, User ExperienceIntegrating with third party document streaming servicesEnd UserGoal 4: Integration with external services Medium3
Integrations, DepositOAIImporting data from discipline-specific systems into DSpaceEnd User
  • This could be implemented as a pull from an external system, or as a push from the the external system.
  • Maybe SWORD deposit, or OAI-PMH harvesting
Goal 4: Integration with external services Low4
Integrations, DepositOAI, User ExperienceIntegrations that avoid registering information multiple times within the organisationEnd User
  • Overlaps with a lot of other content harvesting or deposit use cases
  • Hard to describe as it could vary in so many ways according to the institutional setup of systems
Goal 4: Integration with external services Low5
IntegrationsOAIIntegrations that increase the exposure of content stored into DSpace in external systemsEnd User
  • Could be as simple as ensuring there is an OAI-PMH interface for harvesting the content into external search systems or aggregators
Goal 4: Integration with external servicesxHigh2
Integrations, DepositOAI, User ExperienceIntegrations that significantly lower the effort to fill DSpace with content, both from in house systems and third party contentEnd User
  • External harvest of other sources, e.g. via the existing OAI-PMH harvest functionality
Goal 4: Integration with external servicesxHigh2
Integrations, User Experience, MetadataIntegrations - Enrich metadata fields with external geographic informationEnd User
  • Either basic links to an external resolver / geo parser, or better in-built handling of geo data (PostGIS?)
Goal 4: Integration with external services High5
Integrations, User ExperienceIntegrations - Personal Identifiers (ORCID)End User
  • Would ORCIDs be implemented using the current controlled authority plugin system?
Goal 4: Integration with external servicesxHigh3
IntegrationsIntegrations - Support ORCID in Authority CacheAdministrator
  • Implement a link to ORCID identifiers. Include the ORCID in the user profile, but cache supplemental information in an index such as solr
Goal 4: Integration with external servicesxHigh3
IntegrationsIntegrations - Support for ORCID in the CSV Batch editAdministrator
  • Include ORCID identifiers in the batch CSV editing functionality.
  • Need to decide how to relate ORCIDs to author name strings in the DSpace data model, and then how to represent those in the CSV.
Goal 4: Integration with external servicesxHigh3
IntegrationsIntegrations - Handle System IdentifiersAdministrator
  • Implemented already
Goal 4: Integration with external servicesxHigh1
IntegrationsIntegrations - Persistent Identifiers other than Handles (DOI)Administrator
  • Two aspects to this: different identifiers (DSpace now supports DataCite), but also identifiers for more than just items, for example for bitstreams
Goal 4: Integration with external servicesxMedium4
Integrations, DepositIntegrations - REST APIAdministrator
  • Full REST API allowing all CRUD functions, not just READ operations
  • Exists in DSpace 5.x
Goal 4: Integration with external servicesxHigh4
IntegrationsOAIIntegrations - Support Standard Repository Machine Interfaces (OAI-PMH, SWORD, ResourceSync)Administrator / End User
  • Ensure DSpace works in the wider scholarly systems landscape
  • OAI-PMH, SWORDv1 and v2 are all already supported
  • ResourceSync not yet core in DSpace distribution
Goal 4: Integration with external services Low4
IntegrationsIntegrations - Search Engine OptimizationAdministrator
  • Ensure DSpace user interfaces maintain best practice in this area
Goal 4: Integration with external servicesxHigh3
Structure, ConfigurationAssociate Separate Properties with Each DSpace CommunitySystem
  • Seems like an implementation suggestion for how to support different settings/configs/themes on different Communities/Collections
Structure, Deposit, IntegrationsAutomated Deposit of New ItemsSystem
  • Seems to be implemented already via SWORD, but would be dependent also on an external service to auto-deposit
Goal 4: Integration with external services Low3
Structure, Editing, VersioningAutomated Retention of All changes to ItemsSystem
  • At least partially implemented via versioning. But may need to be more in-grained into DSpace architecture
Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRxHigh1
Structure, Deposit, IntegrationsAutomated Update of Existing ItemsSystem
  • Seems to be possible via SWORDv2 and REST API
Goal 4: Integration with external servicesxLow3
Structure, Content ModelCommunity and Collection hierarchy (or generic containers)System
  • Frequently discussed request, and a likely simplification of our content model
Goal 2: Lean and flexiblexHigh1
Structure, Content Model, DepositCreate / manage files and metadata (as an Item)System
  • Overlaps with End User - Batch Deposit
  • Also describes flexibility of the Item / Bitstream hierarchy, but it's unclear if that's a high priority or not.
Goal 2: Lean and flexiblexHigh2
Structure, Content Model, Browse/SearchCreate the ability to place "dynamic collections" (pre-faceted view of a collection) within the community hierarchy.System, Administrator
  • Sounds almost like creating a "collection" via a "Saved search"
Structure, Content Model, Deposit, MetadataDescribe Individual Bitstream within an ItemEnd User, Administrator
  • Now possible cause of the "Metadata on all objects" added in DSpace 5
  • Just requires new UIs to be built to add such metadata on Bitstreams
Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRxMedium2
DuplicateDrag and drop opportunities for changing collections structure-    
Configuration, DepositManage Lists, Controlled Vocabularies and Authority ControlAdministratorGoal 5: Low cost, "just works"xHigh2
IncompleteManagement of Deposits / SubmissionsAdministrator
  • This use case is vague and seems better described in other use cases (see page for comments)
Structure, Editing, VersioningManual Creation of "New Editions" of an ItemEnd User, AdministratorGoal 1: Fundamentals of IRxMedium2
Structure, Editing, VersioningManual Edit of Existing ItemsAdministrator
  • Already implemented

Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRxLow3
Structure, DepositManual Submission of New ItemsEnd User
  • Already implemented, except where other use cases describe enhancements
Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRxLow3
Structure, Content Model, MetadataMetadata for all levels of object hierarchySystem
  • Exists in DSpace 5 (at DB and API layers)
  • Just may require new UI pages to be built
Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRxMedium2
Structure, Content Modelpurpose of bundle layerSystemGoal 1: Fundamentals of IRxMedium2
Structure, Content Model, RelationshipsRelationships between objectsSystem
  • Ranked very highly in 2013 Vision Survey
Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRxHigh1
StructureSimple AssetStore for Human TraversalSystem
  • Unclear how popular this would be, and whether it cause some performance issues
Structure, Content Model, RelationshipsSupport for derivative objectsSystemGoal 1: Fundamentals of IRxMedium3
Structure, Content Model, MetadataSupport for hierarchical metadata formats (e.g. METS / MODS)System
  • Often talked about / requested, but quite complex to implement in our current data model
  • Ranked in the "middle" of the 2013 Vision Survey
Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRxHigh2
Structure, Editing, Versioning, PreservationGenerated provenance for all added bitstreamsSystemGoal 1: Fundamentals of IRxMedium3
Structure, Content Model, RelationshipsApply licenses to bitstreamsEnd User, AdministratorGoal 1: Fundamentals of IRxHigh3
Structure, Metadata, PreservationGenerate technical metadata per bitstreamSystemGoal 1: Fundamentals of IRxMedium3
Integrations, User ExperienceStreaming Image Server (integration)SystemGoal 4: Integration with external services Medium3
Integrations, User ExperienceImage file display (pan, zoom, size options)End UserGoal 4: Integration with external services Medium3
Deposit, IntegrationsEmail DepositEnd UserGoal 4: Integration with external services Low2
WorkflowWorkflow overviewAdministrator
  • Use case may need more details. What info would be useful, etc.
Goal 5: Low cost, "just works"xLow2
Configuration, DepositFormat checking of data entry in input formsAdministratorGoal 5: Low cost, "just works"xLow2
Configuration, DepositCheck Bitstream names against allowed file name patternAdministratorGoal 5: Low cost, "just works"xLow3
Structure, Content ModelSimplify Collection Creation Based on TemplateAdministrator
  • Seems like a potential quick win in creating Collections/Communities
Goal 5: Low cost, "just works"xLow2
Configuration, Browse/SearchDSpace should accommodate basic index normalizationAdministratorGoal 5: Low cost, "just works"xMedium/High3
