Contribute to the DSpace Development Fund

The newly established DSpace Development Fund supports the development of new features prioritized by DSpace Governance. For a list of planned features see the fund wiki page.

Work in Progress

This analysis and prioritization is a work in progress. Therefore, the categorization, complexity and prioritization of individual use cases is NOT finalized and may change as we receive additional feedback, suggestions.

This page provides an analysis and prioritization for the Use Cases gathered via the 2014 Vision Survey and later DCAT Use Case gathering meetings. A few notes on this analysis:

Priorities are in "draft" form, but have been assigned based on a combination of three factors:

  • "Votes" (likes or comments) on the Use Case page itself
  • The average ranking from the 2014 Vision Survey (if it was included in that survey). These average rankings appear in the table on the DSpace 2014 Product Plan page
  • The RoadMap Working Group's guess as to the likely priority of this use case. This working group consists of DCAT, Committer and Steering Group members.

Complexity is also in "draft" form and is based on the current state of the codebase. As such, it may change drastically for some use cases based on the eventual 2015-16 Technical RoadMap document. For example, a use case which already exists or "mostly" exists may be ranked as "Low". But if the RoadMap recommends rebuilding/refactoring related features/dependencies, its complexity may increase to "Medium" or "High".

Core / Non-Core specifies whether a given Use Case seems to be a "core" use case or "non-core" (Note: non-core does NOT mean this feature shouldn't be possible in DSpace. Rather, it just means that it likely should be provided either via an extension or integration to the "core" of DSpace).

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