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Potential Attendees

xAmy Amy Lana - University of Missouri
Augustine Gitonga - Aga Khan University Hospital
xBram Bram Luyten - @mire
Bharat M. Chaudhari -@ School Of Petroleum Management, Gandhinagar, India
Ciarán Walsh - Enovation Solutions, Ltd
Claire Bundy - BioMed Central
Dibyendra Hyoju - Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya/
Elena Feinstein - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Elin Stangeland - Cambridge University Library
Iryna Kuchma -
James Evans - Biomed Central/Open Repository
Leonie Hayes - University of Auckland
xMaureen Walsh - Maureen Walsh - The Ohio State University
xSarah Sarah Molloy - Queen Mary, University of London
xSarah Sarah Potvin - Texas A&M University
Sue Kunda - Oregon State University
xTim Tim Donohue - DuraSpace
Valorie Hollister - DuraSpace

Yan Han - University of Arizona LibrariesTime

  • 10:00am Eastern/15:00 UTC




Discussion leader


News / announcements / etc.

  • Open Repositories 2013 - July 8-12, University of Prince Edward Island, Canada
    • DSpace User Group Chairperson - Hilde Colenbrander, University of British Columbia
    • Proposals for general conference and DSpace user group mtg are due Feb 22
    • Make plans early - flights very limited, registration now open
  • European DSpace User Group Mtg - June 18th at the OAI8 conference, Geneva - @mire and DuraSpace

  • ACRL - April 10-13, Indianapolis - @mire and DuraSpace will have a booth
  • DSpace 3.1 released - bug fix release
  • DSpace Futures call summary 
  • Other?



Metadata improvements project:

Metadata Sub-Team: Sarah P., Amy, Maura Valentio, Maureen


Proposed tweaks on how DCAT works together



Discussion Notes/References




Actions Items from the last meeting

2) Metadata improvements

-notes taken and incorporated into the Proposal to Update DC Registry and Add DCTERMS Registry wiki page

-add phases of project section to describe how metadata schema will evolve over time

-move goal of recommendations up on the page so it is clear what the purpose is

-would be good to categorize JIRA issues - directly related vs. possibly affected - Bram to take on

-general clean up of page, make more readable, remove requests in red 

-Sarah P, Amy, Maureen and Bram (JIRA issues) will work on finalizing the proposal 


3) Tweaks on DCAT work

-ran out of time to really discuss

-ask that anyone not on the metadata team to take a look at JIRA and the new status categories, if you don't have an issue you are currently the discussion leader for, please pick a compelling one under the category of "Needs More Detail" or "Volunteer Needed"



Actions Items 

Action Item



Update wiki page for metadata project per today's discussion: Proposal to Update DC Registry and Add DCTERMS Registry

Sarah P., Amy, Maureen, Bram

Feb 15

Review Proposal to Update DC Registry and Add DCTERMS Registry - provide any additional feedback on how to further improve before we hand off to the developers/cmtrsALLFeb 22
Send msg to developers/committers with the Proposal to Update DC Registry and Add DCTERMS Registry and invite discussion on the pageSarah P., Amy, Maureen, BramMarch 1

Visit JIRA and check out new status "Needs More Detail" or "Volunteer Needed" - pick compelling issue and start the DCAT discussion process


March 12

Action Item



Review Proposal for Metadata enhancement wiki page, make sure it is consistent with DCAT proposals, post questions in comment section at the bottom of the pageAll DCAT membersDONE

Wiki page for updating DC proposal: Proposal to Update QDC Registry and Add DCTERMS Registry, update per today's discussion

Sarah P.


Gather JIRA tickets that might be affected by DCAT proposals - put on wiki page w/the proposal

Metadata sub-team, Bram


Set mtg with cmtrs to review DC proposal, find out where cmtrs are in the new JIRA workflow migration process
