Versions Compared


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Positions in Organizations

Count the types of positions in each organization

Positions relate a person to an organization.  Each position has a type – faculty, staff, etc.  We would like to know how many positions of each type are in each organization, and which organizations have the most faculty, librarians, etc. The query below is a start.  We could embellish the query with additional selections having to do with date ranges, positions per person, and so on.

The query selects positions and identifies their "most specific type" – this is a Vitro concept in which the various types associated with an entity are reduced to a single type for display purposes.  The position must relate to an organization.  In this query we show the uri of the organizaton and the position type in the results.

Code Block
titleCount the types of positions
SELECT ?org ?pos_type (COUNT(DISTINCT ?pos) AS ?pos_count)
    ?pos a vivo:Position .
    ?pos vitro:mostSpecificType ?pos_type .
    ?pos vivo:relates ?org .
    ?org a foaf:Organization .
GROUP BY ?pos_type ?org
ORDER BY ?pos_type DESC(?pos_count) ?org

Individual Persons 

Retrieve the positions for a single person

The query begins by finding the person of interest – here the person is identified by the value of a label.  This may not return a single person.  But for this example, let's assume it does.  We could construct a query which selected the person based on their primary email or their ORCiD, or some other identifier.  The query then gets all the relatedBy assertions for this person.  VIVO uses relatedBy in many settings.  The query then limits the results to insure that the relatedBy assertions relate a foaf:Person to a vivo:Position.  The query then gets the labels for each position.

Note:  The use of SELECT * returns all variables used in the query.  

Code Block
titleRetrieve the positions for a single person
    ?person rdfs:label  'Conlon, Michael' .
    ?person vivo:relatedBy ?position .
    ?person a foaf:Person .
    ?position a vivo:Position .

SPARQL: Tools, Tips, Sample queries

Useful SPARQL queries

finding instances having only a single rdf:type assertion

  1. This example query looks for individuals that have
  2. ONLY a vivoc:AcademicDegreeGrantingAgent type assertion
  3. Tested by substituting vivo:Address and looking at 1 of the results

?s rdf:type vivoc:AcademicDegreeGrantingAgent .
GRAPH <> {
?s rdf:type vivoc:AcademicDegreeGrantingAgent .
?s rdf:type ?type .
FILTER (?type != vivoc:AcademicDegreeGrantingAgent )
FILTER (!bound(?type))




Code Block
SELECT ?doi ?infoResource_label ?pmid $type ?journal ?issn ?pubVenue ?issue ?startPage ?endPage ?volume ?dateTime
?infoResource vivo:hasPublicationVenue ?pubVenue .
?pubVenue rdf:type bibo:Journal .
?infoResource rdf:type $anyType .
?infoResource bibo:doi ?doi .
?infoResource bibo:pmid ?pmid .
?infoResource bibo:pageStart ?startPage .
?infoResource bibo:pageEnd ?endPage .
?pubVenue bibo:issn ?issn .
OPTIONAL { ?pubVenue bibo:volume ?volume } .
OPTIONAL { ?pubVenue vivo:DateTimeValue ?dateTime } .
OPTIONAL { ?pubVenue bibo:issue ?issue } .
?pubVenue rdfs:label ?journal .
?anyType rdfs:label ?type .
?infoResource rdfs:label $infoResource_label .



?position rdfs:label ?position_label .


Find Authors with less than 5 publications

Useful for finding good test cases, for example. This is a Vivo 1.5 example, but could be updated pretty easily.

Code Block
SELECT ?person
      ?person vivo:authorInAuthorship ?authorship. 
GROUP BY ?person
HAVING (COUNT(?authorship) < 5)



SPARQL Queries for Publications and Authors


on 8/27/13, Eliza writes:
We'd like to display the citation counts for articles listed on the profile pages.
So I modified the configuration file and added a citation count variable to the query.
However, the freemarker template didn't seem to pick up that variable.
See below for what was changed in the listViewConfig-authorInAuthorship.xml file:
        PREFIX rdfs: &lt;;    
        PREFIX core: &lt;;
        PREFIX afn:  &lt;;
        PREFIX bibo: &lt;
        PREFIX c4o: &lt;;
        SELECT DISTINCT ?subclass 
        WHERE {
            ?subject ?property ?authorship  
            OPTIONAL { ?authorship core:linkedInformationResource ?infoResource .                      
                       ?infoResource rdfs:label ?infoResourceName .
                       OPTIONAL { ?infoResource bibo:volume ?volume }
                       OPTIONAL { ?infoResource bibo:pageStart ?startPage }
                       OPTIONAL { ?infoResource bibo:pageEnd ?endPage }
                       OPTIONAL { ?infoResource core:placeOfPublication ?locale }
                       OPTIONAL { ?infoResource bibo:reproducedIn ?appearsInObj .
                                  ?appearsInObj rdfs:label ?appearsIn
                       OPTIONAL { ?infoResource core:publisher ?publisherObj .
                                  ?publisherObj rdfs:label ?publisher
                       OPTIONAL { ?infoResource core:editor ?editorObj .
                                  ?editorObj rdfs:label ?editor
                       OPTIONAL { ?infoResource core:partOf ?partOfObj .
                                  ?partOfObj rdfs:label ?partOf
                       OPTIONAL {  ?infoResource vitro:mostSpecificType ?subclass .
                                   ?subclass rdfs:subClassOf core:InformationResource .
                       OPTIONAL { ?infoResource core:hasPublicationVenue ?publishedIn .
                                    ?publishedIn  rdfs:label ?journal 
                       OPTIONAL { ?infoResource core:dateTimeValue ?dateTimeValue .
                                  ?dateTimeValue core:dateTime ?dateTime  
                       OPTIONAL { ?infoResource c4o:hasGlobalCitationFrequency ?hasGlobalCitationFrequencyObj .
                                    ?hasGlobalCitationFrequencyObj  rdfs:label ?globalCitationCount 
                       OPTIONAL { ?authorship core:hideFromDisplay ?hideThis }                                                      
    #        NOT EXISTS { ?authorship core:hideFromDisplay ?hideThis } 
            FILTER ( bound(?infoResource) )
        } ORDER BY DESC(?dateTime) ?infoResourceName   
And the template propStatement-authorInAuthorship.ftl:
    <#local timesCited>
     <#if statement.subclass??>
     <#if statement.globalCitationCount??>
    ${resourceTitle} ${citationDetails} <@dt.yearSpan "${statement.dateTime!}" /> ${resourceType} ${timesCited}
Any reason why it's not working?


on 8/28/13, Eliza writes:
It's finally resolved, but not until moving the variable to another construct:
        PREFIX core: &lt;;
        PREFIX rdfs: &lt;;    
        PREFIX bibo: &lt;;
        PREFIX c4o: &lt;
        CONSTRUCT { 
            ?subject ?property ?authorship .  
            ?authorship ?authorshipProperty ?authorshipValue .
            ?authorship core:linkedInformationResource ?infoResource .
            ?infoResource rdfs:label ?infoResourceName .
            ?infoResource core:hasPublicationVenue ?publishedIn .
            ?publishedIn  rdfs:label ?journal .
            ?infoResource c4o:hasGlobalCitationFrequency ?hasGlobalCitationFrequencyObj .
            ?hasGlobalCitationFrequencyObj  rdfs:label ?globalCitationCount
        } WHERE {
               ?subject ?property ?authorship 
            UNION {
               ?subject ?property ?authorship .
               ?authorship ?authorshipProperty ?authorshipValue 
            } UNION {
               ?subject ?property ?authorship .
               ?authorship core:linkedInformationResource ?infoResource 
            } UNION {
               ?subject ?property ?authorship .
               ?authorship core:linkedInformationResource ?infoResource .
               ?infoResource rdfs:label ?infoResourceName 
            } UNION {
               ?subject ?property ?authorship .
               ?authorship core:linkedInformationResource ?infoResource .
               ?infoResource core:hasPublicationVenue ?publishedIn 
            } UNION {
               ?subject ?property ?authorship .
               ?authorship core:linkedInformationResource ?infoResource .
               ?infoResource core:hasPublicationVenue ?publishedIn .
               ?publishedIn  rdfs:label ?journal
            } UNION {
               ?subject ?property ?authorship .
               ?authorship core:linkedInformationResource ?infoResource .
               ?infoResource c4o:hasGlobalCitationFrequency ?hasGlobalCitationFrequencyObj .
               ?hasGlobalCitationFrequencyObj  rdfs:label ?globalCitationCount
This time, it was able to pick up the variable.
Not exactly sure why but it's working.

SPARQL Example: Positions (RUN the exmaple here:

Person and Positions Diagram (VIVO 1.4 Position diagram)Image Removed


SPARQL Query to Retrieve the Position for a single Person

Live Results: (Note: You can click on the link below to run this query in realtime at Be patient, it make take a few minutes to return.)




PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX rdf:  <>
PREFIX bibo: <>
PREFIX core: <>
PREFIX ands: <>

?URI core:primaryEmail  ''.

?URI core:personInPosition ?positionURI.

?positionURI rdfs:label ?Postionlabel


Live Results in JSON:*

JSON Result


 "head": {

   "vars": [ "URI" , "positionURI" , "Postionlabel" ]

 } ,

 "results": {

   "bindings": [


       "URI": { "type": "uri" , "value": "" } ,

       "positionURI": { "type": "uri" , "value": "" } ,

       "Postionlabel": { "datatype": "" , "type": "typed-literal" , "value": "Assistant Director and Senior Architect" }

     } ,


       "URI": { "type": "uri" , "value": "" } ,

       "positionURI": { "type": "uri" , "value": "" } ,

       "Postionlabel": { "datatype": "" , "type": "typed-literal" , "value": "Associate Director" }

     } ,


       "URI": { "type": "uri" , "value": "" } ,

       "positionURI": { "type": "uri" , "value": "" } ,

       "Postionlabel": { "datatype": "" , "type": "typed-literal" , "value": "Associate Director, Software Engineering" }






Javascript Example to run query and get back JSON

Get the code here


Set it run here:







Live Google Doc:

Static Document: SPARQLExamplePositions.pdf