Steering Committee
Steering Committee Pages
(link works only for logged-in SC members)- Open Repositories Steering Committee members
- Code of Conduct Subcommittee members
- Fellowship Subcommittee members
- Membership Policy
Conference website
Conference Repository
Open Repositories Code of Conduct and Anti-Harassment Policies
Open Repositories Conference Handbook (for organizers and potential organizers)
OR2023 - Stellenbosch South Africa
OR2022 - Denver USA
OR2021 - Virtual OR Conference
OR2020 - Postponed until 2021 - Virtual Meeting Held Instead
OR2019 - Hamburg Germany
OR2018 - Bozeman USA
OR2017 - Brisbane Australia
OR2016 - Dublin Ireland
OR2014 - Helsinki Finland
OR2013 - Prince Edward Island Canada
OR2011 - Austin USA
OR2010 - Madrid Spain
OR2009 - Atlanta USA
OR2006 - Sydney Australia
Archived conference sites through OR2017 can be found at: