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Time: 07:00 am, Eastern Time (New York, GMT-04:00)

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(star)  Indicating note-taker

  1. Dragan Ivanovic 
  2. Michel Héon
  3. Jose Ortiz
  4. Abhishek Raval
  5. Narendra


  1. A kick-off meeting 
    1. Intro to the project
    2. Infrastructure
      1. Slack
      2. Wiki page - DSpace-VIVO integration task force
      3. GitHub Project Board -
    3. Administration


Dragan Ivanovic introduced the project and its scope and goals. 

All introduce themselves to the rest of the group

Dragan Ivanovic presented the infrastructure. Jose and Dragan will try to resolve the issue with Jose's slack account. Meetings should be organized weekly on Thursday at 7am Eastern Time. When we make some progress, we will report the progress to VIVO Technical Interest Group (they will be some kind of steering group for monitoring this project). 

Michel Héon has a problem with installation of DSpace. He will investigated a couple of hours more before he asked Abhishek to help him. Abhishek offered to deploy DSpace at his institution infrastructure and give access to Jose and Michel. It would be better that Jose and Michel have complete development environment set up at their local machines, although in the first phase VIVO/Vitro is more important than DSpace. 

Dragan Ivanovic suggested to start discussion about architecture of the solution. Michel Héon will prepare slides and a wiki page for this discussion for the next meeting.  

The implementation of the COAR notify is planned for DSpace 7: This might be of interest to us and this project. 

Task List

  • Michel Héon to prepare and share slides for discussion about architecture
  • Michel Héon and Jose to set up environment, i.e. to install DSpace 7, DSpace 6 and VIVO 1.12.x, Abhishek to help them with DSpace if necessary

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