Thursday, April 1, 2020, 10 AM US Eastern Time
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Ontology Interest Group Google Folder
Google Doc for meeting notes:
- Christian
- Anna
- Melanie
- Brian
- Mike
- Updates
- On-line VIVO conference. See VIVO Conference 2020 Task Force
- Pidapalooza report
- Mathias Brochhausen
- EuroCRIS Technical Committee
- Other
- AEON (Academic Events Ontology)
- Global persistent identifiers for conferences and Crossmark for conference proceedings. - (related activity)
- Language Ontology
- draft domain definition Ready to post on vivo-community for comments?
- Comments on ontology
- A draft ORG ontology
- ORG is relatively straightforward given previous work on OpenVIVO, Early Thoughts document, and ROR/GRID data. Would need to work out subsumption, dispositions (most orgs have dispositions/capabilities rather than functions or types), and addresses/locations.
- What artifacts besides the ontologies themselves are needed? Training aids? Conversion aids? RMLMapper maps? SHACL constraints?
- Other
- Introductions.
- VIVO On-line conference. End of June?
- The Ontology Group is interested in pulling in ontological fringe cases into the spotlight.
- Maybe a keynote with ontological focus.
- Pidapalooza – conference metadata and conference identifiers
- Anna collaborating with students who want to represent links. They build upon the work of might be relevant to them.
- Mathias. Deontic acts. Document acts. Academic degrees. And Relationship: Grant, Membership. "The third thing". Perhaps qualities.
- EuroCRIS
- Reconciling models. VIRO and EuroCIRS. Others? Fall time frame.
- Document. Requesting comments. Metadata schema. Early document.
- In discussion with Springer regarding conference metadata. Martin Fenner from DataCite involved.
- Basic model for conference PIDs. Very high-level – CrossRef, ORCID, DataCite. Mint some PIDS for conferences.
- Language Ontology
- Librarians tend to use ISO 639-2. Came out of LD4P. Language ontology goes to ISO 639-3.
- Might be "too lightweight". Might nit be sufficient to represent the language of a document. A quality of the document. In a document ontology? Can not cover all the use cases. Focus on the languages.
- Review domain definition.