Thursday, April 1, 2020, 10 AM US Eastern Time

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Ontology Interest Group Google Folder

Google Doc for meeting notes:


  • Christian
  • Anna
  • Melanie
  • Brian
  • Mike


  1. Updates
    1. On-line VIVO conference.  See VIVO Conference 2020 Task Force
    2. Pidapalooza report
    3. Mathias Brochhausen
    4. EuroCRIS Technical Committee
    5. Other
  2. AEON (Academic Events Ontology)
    1. Global persistent identifiers for conferences and Crossmark for conference proceedings. - (related activity)
  3. Language Ontology
    1. draft domain definition Ready to post on vivo-community for comments?
    2. Comments on ontology
  4. A draft ORG ontology
    1. ORG is relatively straightforward given previous work on OpenVIVO, Early Thoughts document, and  ROR/GRID data.  Would need to work out subsumption, dispositions (most orgs have dispositions/capabilities rather than functions or types), and addresses/locations.
    2. What artifacts besides the ontologies themselves are needed?  Training aids?  Conversion aids?  RMLMapper maps?  SHACL constraints?
  5. Other


  1. Introductions.
  2. VIVO On-line conference.  End of June?  
    1. The Ontology Group is interested in pulling in ontological fringe cases into the spotlight.
    2. Maybe a keynote with ontological focus.
  3. Pidapalooza – conference metadata and conference identifiers
  4. Anna collaborating with students who want to represent links. They build upon the work of might be relevant to them.
  5. Mathias.  Deontic acts.  Document acts.  Academic degrees.  And Relationship: Grant, Membership.  "The third thing". Perhaps qualities.
  6. EuroCRIS
    1. Reconciling models.  VIRO and EuroCIRS.  Others?  Fall time frame.
  7. AEON
    1. Document.   Requesting comments.  Metadata schema. Early document.
    2. In discussion with Springer regarding conference metadata.  Martin Fenner from DataCite involved.
    3. Basic model for conference PIDs.  Very high-level – CrossRef, ORCID, DataCite.  Mint some PIDS for conferences.
  8. Language Ontology
    2. Librarians tend to use ISO 639-2. Came out of LD4P. Language ontology goes to ISO 639-3.
    4. Might be "too lightweight".  Might nit be sufficient to represent the language of a document. A quality of the document.  In a document ontology? Can not cover all the use cases.  Focus on the languages.
    5. Review domain definition.

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