Thursday, November 29, 10 AM US Eastern Time

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  1. Documentation for ontology updates
  2. Interest Group or Task Force
  3. Ontology license – update
  4. Identifiers – proposal is here:
    1. discusion
    2. next steps
  5. December 3 sprint
    1. VIVO-1287 new subClasses for items asserted to be skos:Concept.  No change in models.  Proposals:
      1. vivo:AcademicDegree is an EducationalProcess with an output of an AwardedDegree (could eventually lead to simplifying the model)
        vivo:Award is a credential with a relatedBy AwardReceipt (perhaps the receipt is the credential and the Award is a process)
        obo:ARG_2000376 (contact qualifier) is a Quality of an address
        vivo:Credential is a Process (should be renamed CredentialingProcess – this is one reason why people use numbered classes and predicates)
        vivo:DateTimeValuePrecision is a Quality of a DateTimeValue
  6. Future agenda items
    1. Language skills
    2. Projects and Grants


Marijane's notes are at the ISF wiki:

  1. In Progress or Review Ontology Issues

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Open Ontology Issues

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

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