Thursday, July 12, 10 AM US Eastern Time
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- Mike Conlon
- Marijane White
- Christian Hauschke
- Ralph O'Flinn
- Muhammad Javed
- Tatiana Walther
- Kitio Fofack
- Brian Lowe
- Violeta Ilik
- Damaris Murry
- Updates
- from China
- Discussions with Mark Musen
- Discussions with Stefan Decker
- Other updates
- from China
- Use of XMLLiteral and VIVO-1528
- Priorities for the ontology
- Modules, for example clinical trials, identifiers
- Cleaning, for example, adding definitions, providing super Classes, removing/replacing singletons, DOI definition as URL
- Internationalization, labels (and annotations?) in multiple languages
- Adding new terms/modules, for example, humanities
- Improving modeling, for example vcard, academic degrees, organizations, relationships
- Alignments, for example
- Versioning: We should publish a release now and start to improve the ontology from there. Questions:
- SemVer?
- Review and release processes
- Documentation
- ... additional items here ...
- Updates:
- China
- Mike tries to get control about the entry in Bioportal:
- is not an ontology, more use in VIVO is appreciated.
Regarding use of XMLLiteral. vivo.owl currently has 220 datatype properties. They have ranges tabulated below:
Count Range 160 None 34 xsd:string 14 xsd:anyURI 4 xsd:dateTime 3 xsd:boolean 3 xsd:int 1 xsd:date Here's the query I ran (using robot on vivo.owl in the released version)
PREFIX owl: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> SELECT (count(DISTINCT ?s) AS ?nrange) ?r WHERE { ?s a owl:DatatypeProperty . OPTIONAL { ?s rdfs:label ?l } OPTIONAL { ?s rdfs:range ?r } } GROUP BY ?r ORDER BY DESC(?nrange)
- Following discussion the group recommends the use of rdf:HTML as range on datatype properties that require HTML editing. All other datatype property ranges (including no ranges) are edited using a plain text edit editor unless already handled by range. It appears that 4 datatype properties (bibo:abstract, vivo:overview, vivo:teachingOverview, vivo:researchOverview) should have range specified as rdf:HTML. Note: other fields may require rdf:HTML type, and other edge cases may be discovered. The group discussed the impact of language tags, the need to add HTML to some labels, and other potential edge cases. The group recommends testing in a branch to discover unintended consequences and edge cases. Existing fields may contain HTML that under this proposal would no longer be able to contain HTML. Such fields may need to be stripped of HTML by site data managers.
- Priorities
See Marijane's meeting notes at
In Progress or Review Ontology Issues
Open Ontology Issues