Tuesday, May 15, 10 AM US Eastern Time
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- Mike Conlon
- Anna Kasprzik
- Tatiana Walther
- Christian Hauschke
- Ralph O'Flinn
- Anna Kasprzik
- Juliane Schneider
- Muhammad Javed
- Sprint 1 remainders
- Sprint 2 work
- Ontology unconference sessions at the VIVO Conference
- Conference schedule http://vivoconference.org/schedule/
- Possible ontology sessions http://bit.ly/2KpI7pV
- Documentation
- Enabling multiple identities with vCards? (Christian)
Conference schedule (Mike)
Ideas for unconference sessions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iMiht_PhqY8PAVmjMHKSWkwW9GjDaeB65nVnEN6vmpM/edit
Ontology task force members are uncomfortable with the schedule for unconferences. All-unconference slots would be prefered to not compete with prepared sessions. General concern with the conference schedule. Competing with prepared sessions is a problem. Ontologists will write emails to conference planners. Try to find times to meet that are not in competitition with prepared sessions.
Ideas: Day 2 before the poster reception (Ralph)
Meet during lunch (Tatiana)
Day 1 in between the workshops (Christian)
Shortening the lunch breaks (Ralph)
Idea: Asking for complete re-scheduling. Compress the prepared-material-sessions to a three track conference. (Mike)
Sprint 1 (Javed)
VIVO.owl task was completed and merged
Checking vCard ontology finished and reviewed.
Identify candidate ontology modules for possible removal.
Modules to review – separate files created
makes legacy entities available in modular files
Google Drive Folder: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1SE8ZMzRk8wdaJUrEdF-CTcDo1TynlY8c
Mike is happy to review the files
Reworking the firsttime approach should be discussed by the developer call. It’s maybe no longer necessary as a caching solution
Mike used Wilma because it’s the default theme
Ralph: tenderfoot should not be used. Everything should be tested with Wilma.
Enabling multiple identities with vCards (Christian)
2 different objectives:
reproducing the authorships as a text string “as published” in the original publication
enabling people to have multiple identities
Mike: Data preserving idea
Ralph: Why not keeping multiple identities (list of a.k.a.)
Mike: We had also know as in the early VIVO days
There is a data property namePublishedAs that can be associated with the authorship
Behaviour of the system should be improved. A.k.a. should be integrated in the researchers profile
Mike: Getting names right is important to the people who have names. And that’s all of us.
In Progress or Review Ontology Issues
Open Ontology Issues