We have some catching up to do, and perhaps Javed can fill us in on his efforts with respect to creating a single file for us to work from. I can share updates on VIVO development.
I’d like each of us to think of the simplest change we might make to the ontology — you will recall that a goal for this group is to demonstrate an ontology change process — that means taking changes all the way to the delivered code. I would like us to consider creating a pull request that can become part of the next release. We might add annotations, or fix a misspelling, or other simple improvement. It is important that we are able to create changes that make their way into the delivered release. Please think of what change you can propose we make.
In other news, VIVO now has a Slack address and an ontology channel where we can discuss ontology work. To join the ontology channel, join VIVO Slack using this invitation: https://join.slack.com/t/vivo-project/shared_invite/enQtMjk4Njc5NzY5MTExLWI3NjcxNzdjYzRlM2M0MmI0MTY0YjI3OTJhM2U4ZjhiMDRmNjdkYmE2NzY5MTY3MTFkNTQxNjU1YmNkMjI2OTQ
For our ontology meeting on Tuesday, we are moving from WebEx to Zoom. Please the connection information below.
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://duraspace.zoom.us/j/500988888
Or iPhone one-tap :
US: +14086380968,,500988888# or +16468769923,,500988888#
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 408 638 0968 or +1 646 876 9923 or +1 669 900 6833
Meeting ID: 500 988 888
International numbers available: https://duraspace.zoom.us/zoomconference?m=oXpqq6Aut6jUDAx3jNrE-q-bZNT-PM63
Task Force Deliverables
- A description of the scope of VIVO and its ontologies in content & quality. In order to ensure that the scope is well-defined, it might help to collect local ontology extensions from individual implementations and see if there is a common need that VIVO doesn't address.
- Develop a process for reporting ontology needs. Currently there are several places this might be done. We should have a place that is sufficient for the work and can be shared broadly.
- Make two ontology changes (one relatively easy, and one that would require a change in the software) and then deliver a technical plan and a communication plan to support these changes.
- Mike Conlon
- Andrew Woods
- Julianne Schneider
- Marijane White
- Muhammad Javed
- Mike – Catching up. development changes. Review actions items
- Javed – filegraph.owl
- All – proposed simple changes to demonstrate process.
Copius notes can be found at https://github.com/openrif/vivo-isf-ontology/wiki/20180123-Ontology-Change-Improvement-Call
TBOX Folder Ontological Changes:
Muhammad Javed, Jan 23, 2018
1. filegraph.owl (Added)
2. ApplicationConfig.owl (Added)
3. All ontological files are merged into filegraph.owl
4. All annotation related files are merged into ApplicationConfig.owl (e.g. linkSuppression.n3)
5. owl:NamedIndividuals removed from filegraph.owl (They already exist in abox folder)
1. initialTBoxAnnotations.n3 file had rdfs labels for a large number of classes and properties. Labels have been removed from initialTBoxAnnotations.n3 file and are added in tbox/filegraph/filegraph.owl
2. additionalHiding.n3 (Deleted)
3. initialTBoxAnnotations.n3 (Deleted)
4. Annotations from additionalHiding.n3 and initialTBoxAnnotations.n3 are merged in one single file, named as vitroannotations.n3
Completed items
- Deliverable 1 has been completed. See https://goo.gl/vRkQl4
- Create a group of committers and reviewers. See https://github.com/openrif/vivo-isf-ontology
- Create a folder of exported VIVO ontology files from VIVO 1.9.2. See https://goo.gl/kUjT1Q
- Explore track changes in WebProtege. Done. No interest from the group in WebProtege.
Triage and move issues from community repository to the master repository. Done
Issues moved from community to vivo-isf-ontology. Tagged VIVO as appropriate.
Additional issues opened in community
Issues from VIVO JIRA added to community of vivo-isf-ontology as appropriate
VIVO JIRA ontology issues opened to stay in synch (2 pending close were not added)
- 18 issues in community, 37 vivo issues in vivo-isf, 45 ontology issues in VIVO JIRA
- A preliminary version of filegraph.owl has been completed and is available for inspection in the Google Drive folder: https://goo.gl/TLjNdj Notes regarding this file are available here: https://goo.gl/pxAVH1
Action items
Complete deliverable 2. The draft process is complete with comments resolved and RACI chart included. Please see https://goo.gl/6ZYqry
Explore Robot tool (actively supported) for ontology improvement and VIVO extraction. Run their tests (in progress)
Create a viable VIVO-ISF master containing VIVO ontologies (in progress)
See summary of ontology sources here: https://goo.gl/Wztgon
See filegraph.owl in Google Drive folder here: https://goo.gl/TLjNdj
Javed to present his ontology for tracking ontology changes at a future meeting (will be complete Aug 28)
Define roles and responsibilities of participants -- analyst, editor, committer, tester (complete, see RACI chart in process doc draft here: https://goo.gl/6ZYqry
Create workflows and documentation (“instruction manuals”) for each of those roles (not started, likley one page each in the vivo-isf wiki)
Mike will test Javed's changes by building VIVO from vivo-ontology-lab, adding sample data, and considering a process for updating an existing VIVO to one using filegraph.owl.