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  • Create a domain definition for the VIVO ontology
  • Make an ontology change - that is expected to be no / low impact; e.g. spelling correction, additional class; doesn't involve a change in the VIVO software
  • Make an ontology change where there is a software change (preferably a small change)

Discussion items

30 minDomain definition

What is the domain of the VIVO ontologies?

30 min Ontology impacts What is the range of ontology impacts, how do we know which changes have what impact on sites?


  • What is the domain of the VIVO ontologies
    • VIVO wants to be brand when it thinks about scholarship
    • Original development - not particularly strong in the arts
    • Modular ontology would allow people to turn on / off the modules that they are interested in
    • Modules should be concepts - may be concepts that are only applicable in a local domain
    • When we say scholarship, do we also include museums? - yes
    • OpenRIF, when discussing is "scholarship" exclusionary, settled on the word "expertise"
    • Should it be broadened to experts such as IT personnel, who are working in a scholarly centre, but not doing research?
    • Do we care about whether a publication was part of a grant, project, etc.?
    • Can there be an ontology around research funding? CASRAI has a lot of terms in the vocabulary that aren't suitable for VIVO.

EuroCRIS has a model for research funding See

  • Some ontological errors  

  • Ontological change
    • Little to no impact vs significant community impact
    • Little to no impact
      • Inclusion of new class
      • Changing labels
      • Metadata about the ontology - e.g. attribution of ontology
      • "Rare" ontology items - things that aren't used commonly. Can we be certain?
    • Structural vs non-structural
      • Adding relationships is a semantic change
      • When can we add hierarchical assertions - a parent that we didn't have before?
      • What if something is no longer a skos:Concept and becomes a BFO class?
      • Moving vcards to people? Inconsistency in how these are handled across systems.
    • Touching the author list is a high impact change!
    • Name changes aren't handled at all in VIVO.
    • vcards relate to relationships, not meant to be a replacement for authors.
    • Do a survey to see what is used?


Spin off companies:

Marijane's notes:

Action items
