
please add or suggest any additional items


  • Brown (Steve) – revisiting refinements to the Brown ontology to see what's changed; dealing some with differentiation between Ph.D. dissertations and theses related to masters and undergraduate work where listed on faculty CVs and whether that distinction is consistent internationally. The Thesis title currently gets loaded into supplemental information but are loading that as a Document object classes as Thesis or Dissertation; will create a sub-property of vivo:informationProduct to connect an Educational Training with the document produced. Working through department-by-department (e.g., Political Science and Philosophy) to address particular needs they might have so don't outpace the users.
  • Duke –
  • Florida (Nicholas) – Data cleanup – SPARQL queries with optionals seem to be crashing VIVO, both from the VIVO application and via Fuseki.  (Brian) This is why we added the construct queries to our list views in VIVO 1.3, and broke up the query into a bunch of unions, which is awkward. (Nicholas) – trying to fetch DatetimeIntervals connected with Positions, and not all the positions had datetime intervals.
  • Johns Hopkins (Jing) – no updates this week
  • Memorial University of Newfoundland –
  • NARCIS (Netherlands) – 
  • North Texas (Kathyrn) – The I-Conference went well and got rave reviews; no new programmer yet
  • Scripps – 
  • UCLA –
  • Weill Cornell (Paul) – Performance problem hasn't come back; a couple days away from a full new publications ingest and have been working through quirky bugs.  Next task is to put together the workflow to have the process happen incrementally rather than by full replacement. Deleting publications is like pulling weeds – don't want to leave broken-off roots in the ground.
    • Thinking about where to store the individual queries for a person – which may result in multiple publications
    • May scale to about 2000 people
  • Cornell Ithaca – Tim is working on a map view of international focus areas for Cornell VIVO using Leaflet

Implementation Fest planning

  • Will be held Thursday and Friday, April 25-26 in Boulder, Colorado, a 45-minute bus ride from Denver International Airport
  • 2013 VIVO Implementation Fest page has information on transportation and hotels
  • Please register on the registration page – note that there is no registration fee for the workshop
  • A DRAFT schedule is available for preview on (including for mobile view) and as a Google Doc
  • There will be several ontology sessions at the event, including overviews of the existing ontology and recent CTSAconnect work on bringing the VIVO and eagle-i ontologies together.  Working sessions will address open issues where improvements or extensions have been requested
  • Nicholas Rejack will be offering his popular SPARQL 101 and SPARQL 201 sessions
  • Please add suggestions for areas of discussion here, which we will try to accommodate in the schedule as we develop it.
    • Research grants – what are the differences between grants, awards, and contracts?  How do NIH and NSF (and other funding agencies) model grants, so that VIVO can align data harvested from NIH RePorter or
    • Distinctions among North American, British, continental European, Australian and New Zealand academic position types
    • The Open Annotation Data Model and its potential use to annotate researcher associations with areas of interest or expertise
    • ....
    • ....
  • community hands-on development day is planned as an optional additional activity on Saturday the 27th, e.g. working on internationalization
  • Alex has been looking into options for videoconferencing certain events where interest is strong from people who can't attend
    • Stony Brook is generously offering use of their multi-point H.323 bridge to support better-than-desktop quality video

Current open issues

  • From Mike Conlon: "How to represent that a person is no longer associated with the university? It's becoming more obvious that we have many people in VIVO that are no longer at UF. We need information representation, then display, and likely some places where formers are filtered out of displays and lists."

Review of CTSAconnect Integrated Semantic Web progress

  • Brian and Jon will preview a presentation slated for this afternoon and would appreciate feedback
  • Goals – making things in the ontology simpler around roles while making the VIVO application more sophisticated to be able to handle that
  • Context nodes – building out a way to connect short-term processes and longer-term relationships

WebEx Call-in Information

  • Topic: 2013 Bi-weekly VIVO Ontology Call
  • Date: Every 2 weeks on Wednesday, from Wednesday, January 23, 2013 with no end date
  • Time: 11:00 am, Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00)
  • Meeting Number: 648 855 983
  • Meeting Password: (This meeting does not require a password.)

To join the online meeting

Call-in Information

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