
  • Scripps - Public VIVO is on hold for 1.5, but have created a private VIVO for student and alumni. Using the private for metrics and extending the local ontology.
  • UNT - UNESCO chair (at Oxford) is interested in VIVO. Testing deidentified data.
  • WashU - 1.4 on production, working with grants and contracts, getting single sign-on implemented
  • Cornell - working on HR ingest nightly cron job, working with central IT for specific use-cases (on 1.4.1)
  • Weill Cornell - on 1.4, working the UMLS integration on controlled vocabularies in healthcare

Special Topics

VIVO Conference (Miami August (workshop) 22, (conference) 23-24)
Call for workshops -
may have a Harvester workshop; suggestion to installation, data ingest/management/, Harvester; specific topic on extending VIVO
RDF workshop

Single sign-on - AAU, (Academic Analytics - is thinking about offering a person-level publication perspective

SCOPUS has modified their license. (As it is currently understood) ... you can harvest information for the faculty during their appointment and anytime during their previous tenure at other institutions. Some users have stated that their Scopus id should be seen by user.

Notable Implementation List Traffic

How do you copy data from the one VIVO instance to a new VIVO instance?

2012 Implementation Workshop

  • Implementation Fest Spring 2012 at University of Colorado Boulder – please hold these dates Mon-Wed, May 14-16

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