This documentation refers to an earlier version of Islandora. is current.


A Islandora wrapper for the Internet Archive BookReader.

This module doesn't do much on its own, its assumed that it will be used in conjunction with a solution pack, where it will be provided as a viewer.



Install as usual, see this for further information.

Download/clone the Internet Archive BookReader to sites/all/libraries/bookreader, or run drush iabookreader-plugin.

Internet Archive BookReader Developer documentation

This module requires that you set up Djatoka, please follow the steps outlined at here.

This module requires Colorbox and its dependant library Colorbox library. Depending on the version of the Colorbox module and library you are using, there can be some issues with Colorbox finding the library. This comment solves the issue.

Note: If you use the Drush command, it is advisable to Move (not copy) the install script to your .drush folder and run it.


Set the 'djatoka image compression level', 'Solr field relating pages to book PIDs ', 'Overlay Opacity', a content type to be displayed in the IAV, and select the 'Default page view' in Administration » Islandora » Islandora Viewers » Internet Archive BookReader (/admin/islandora/islandora_viewers/internet_archive_bookreader). Additional options involve behavior for mobile users, and using the JPG datastream as a backup in case Djatoka cannot return a JP2.

Note: to use Internet Archive Bookreader as a viewer for Book or Newspaper Solutions Pack, you'll also need to set "djatoka URL" in Islandora Paged Content config page.


Further documentation for this module is available at our wiki.


Having problems or solved a problem? Check out the Islandora google groups for a solution.


Current maintainers:


If you would like to contribute to this module, please check out In addition, we have helpful Documentation for Developers info, as well as our Developers section on the site.



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