
Ensure that Fedora is a successful repository technology that provides a framework for managing digital content and integrating it with services.


  1. VALIDATE Fedora API specification with major clients and two servers using test suite; RELEASE v1.0 of the spec

  2. SUPPORT/ENGAGE One alternate Fedora API spec implementation

  3. DEVELOP Test plan for Fedora 6

  4. PROTOTYPE/IMPLEMENT OCFL-compliant Fedora implementation

  5. IMPLEMENT Release schedule policy, semantic versioning, API release/change policy

  6. IMPLEMENT Improved documentation with concrete examples

  7. INVESTIGATE requirements for hosted, cloud-based, autoscaling, multi-tenant shared infrastructure 

  8. UPDATE Migration tools to work with Fedora 5.x; DOCUMENT Commitment to migration support for all future versions.


  • Do "Start Here" items in "NOW: Product Technology" tab in FCREPO Strategy Template


Governance Subgroup Members

Meeting Times

The Product Technology subgroup meets every four weeks on Thursday at 2pm Eastern Time (US).

Communication Channels

  • The Product Technology subgroup will report back to the Fedora Leaders Group

  • Notes of meetings will appear below

Agendas and Notes

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