Contribute to the DSpace Development Fund
The newly established DSpace Development Fund supports the development of new features prioritized by DSpace Governance. For a list of planned features see the fund wiki page.
This is a priority identified by the October 2011 community survey on improving metadata support authored by the DSpace Community Advisory Team at the request of the DSpace Committers/Developers. DCAT has summarized and interpreted the information gathered from the survey estimated level of effort required. DSpace community members should feel free to add more detailed explanation/examples to further flesh out the changes/requirements they would like to see. It is recommended that a community project team be formed around this work.
Project Description
Improve the verification/safety measures when editing/removing metadata fileds
:- There are currently no verifications or safeties when editing/removing metadata fields in your schemas that are used in dspace.cfg for configuring browse parameters, search indexes, visibility (on simple and full item view). If this functionality was moved to the database, not only would it create a webUI config and hints, it would also provide improved accessibility for the repository managers.
Estimated Effort Level Required
LEVEL OF COMMUNITY EFFORT: likely medium to high
LEVEL OF DEVELOPER EFFORT: likely medium to high
Project Team
If you would like to participate or lead this project team, please identify yourself here and/or send a message to the dspace-tech mailing list.