Contribute to the DSpace Development Fund

The newly established DSpace Development Fund supports the development of new features prioritized by DSpace Governance. For a list of planned features see the fund wiki page.

⛔ Requirements

Before to proceed with the development of DSpace, you need some software requirements: Installing DSpace#BackendRequirements (stop at the deploy feature, because we don't need to deploy anything (wink)).

📝 Files Configurations

All the files listed in this guide should be placed inside the .idea/runConfigurations folder to be recognized by IntelliJ.

Note that you may need to customize some variables for your specific environment.

🍃 SpringBoot

The SpringBoot feature will allow to execute the application right inside your IDE without the need to deploy it.

⚙️ File

This is the run configuration that you can import inside your IDE that encapsulate all the steps listed here: DSpace.xml

✍️ Configuration

To run DSpace with SpringBoot directly in your favorite IntelliJ IDE version, you just need to configure it as a standard Java Application.

  1. Configure standatd Java application configuration: (Run -> Edit Configurations)

  2. Add a new configuration ( + or Alt+Insert) of Application type.

    1. Check that the JDK selected is Java 11

    2. Check that the classpath (-cp) argument is set correctly with the server-boot project

    3. Check that the main class is
    4. Check that you have correctly placed the dspace.dir (path of directory where dspace is installed) and logging.dir (logging configuration) environment variables:


3. Congratulations !
Now you should have a running configuration that is using SpringBoot, just press on RUN !

Ⓜ️ Maven

The maven builder can be used also to execute DSpace with a special goal, that will use the spring runner.

⚙️ File

Here you can find the resumed configuration file that you can place in your project folder : DSpace -

✍️ Configuration

To run DSpace with Maven directly in your favorite IntelliJ IDE version, you just need to configure it as a maven goal

  1. Locate the pom.xml file of the server-boot project

  2. Right click, and check for Run As Maven Build or just the Maven entry

  3. Find or type the maven goal: spring-boot:run (inside the plugin-goal list)

    1. Optional - You can override the parameters by using the command-line parameter
      Here is resumed the full command line instructions that will be used by the IDE (including extra parameters)

      mvn spring-boot:run"--dspace.dir=/path/to/install/folder/ --logging.config=file:///path/to/install/folder/config/log4j2-console.xml
  4. Congratulations 🥳 !
    Now you should have a running configuration that is using Maven, just press on RUN 🤞!

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