Contribute to the DSpace Development Fund
The newly established DSpace Development Fund supports the development of new features prioritized by DSpace Governance. For a list of planned features see the fund wiki page.
Many of the administrative functions can be accessed from the Management sidebar. This list maps the menu to more detailed information.
Quickly create or edit objects from anywhere in the system. Either browse to the object first, or search for it using the Admin sidebar. - Release Notes
Add item
Processes UI (video) allows Administrators to run backend scripts/processes while monitoring their progress & completion. - Release Notes
See Command Line Operations for more detail about these commands.
- Quickly create or edit objects from anywhere in the system. Either browse to the object first, or search for it using the Admin sidebar.
- Bitstream Editing (video) has a drag-and-drop interface for re-ordering bitstreams and makes adding and editing bitstreams more intuitive.
- Metadata Editing (video) introduces suggest-as-you-type for field name selection of new metadata. - Release Notes
You can drop or browse CSV files that contain batch metadata operations on files. When "" selected, the uploaded CSV will be validated. You will receive a report of detected changes, but no changes will be saved.
Access Control
Login As (Impersonate) another account allows Administrators to debug issues that a specific user is seeing, or do some work on behalf of that user. (Login as an Admin, Click "Access Control" in sidebar, Click "People". Search for the user account & edit it. Click the "Impersonate EPerson" button. You will be authenticated as that user until you click "Stop Impersonating EPerson" in the upper right.) - Release Notes
Admin Search
Administrative Search (video) combines retrieval of withdrawn items and private items, together with a series of quick action buttons. - Release Notes
Curation Task
Processes UI (video) allows Administrators to run backend scripts/processes while monitoring their progress & completion. - Release Notes
Details about each of the available processes/scripts can be found in the "scripts" directory of the REST API docs:
Additional information can also be found in the Command Line Operations documentation.
Administer Workflow
Administer Active Workflows (video) allows Administrators to see every submission that is currently in the workflow approval process. - Release Notes
Admin "Health" menu provides basic control panel functionality (based on 6.x Control Panel). When logged in as an Administrator, select "Health" from the side menu. You'll see a "Status" tab which provides useful information about the status of the DSpace backend, and an "Info" tab which provides an overview of backend configurations and Java information. - Release Notes