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Agenda & Notes

Review actions from 2019-09-06 Cornell LD4P2 Meeting notes

  • E. Lynette Rayle  will work with Michelle to develop a prioritization process. Steven Folsom is starting the slack thread b/t Michelle and Lynette
    • 2019-08-30 Steven and Michelle had a call and will filter new requests using :+1: style voting from the cohort. Have separated 8 or 9 out of 20 requests which are just small drop-downs and wouldn't benefit from QA work – PR for this has and issue that Steven is working with Jeremy on
    • 2019-09-06 Process agreed, waiting on Michelle Futornickto push out request for input
  • Simeon WarnerE. Lynette RayleSteven Folsom to apply for LODLAM
    • Not done, deadline in 30 Sep
  • Tim Worrall to update discogs code to use standard bnode format
  • Steven Folsom to update discogs profiles to remove old pattern resulting in unnecessary bnodes
  • Huda Khan et al. – KPAOW video and write up: Make short video. Write up successes, difficulties, lessons, data and index needs, areas for continued work (if and when)
  •  Issues:

Status updates and planning

  • Prep for Cataloging Sinatra and other 45's (Discogs data,
    • ON HOLD pending more work in Sinopia to import data. Sinopia work cycle 2 will we hope include the ability to read in RDF back from Trellis. We hope that we can leverage this to import RDF from a lookup in Discogs or ShareVDE
    • Waiting for Work Cycle 2 (starting week of Sep 23) to understand whether the derivation/cloning work item will happen during Fall – we need to emphasize the importance of cloning
    • Expect to start cataloging work on Oct 1
  • Enhanced Discovery (see also and

    • BAM!
      • Have starting slide deck
      • Need to think about where linked data fits in well; related works; how to make our browse better; how to deal with hierarchy; moving past long lists; connecting place and time; intended audience; relation to facets and showing scope/possibilities; interesting use cases to explore; data and indexing (do we need to do things at index time?)
      • Try a shorter work cycle for this as we went over with KPAOW a bit... ~1.5months
      • @all to work on plan to review next week
      • Initial draft of BAM plan
        • Will continue to work on plan – review progress next week
        • Look at doing upgrade to current BL7 early so it isn't a delay in later dev work, also consider repo organization
        • Current browse is rather separate from search experience - can we make that connection more fluid?
        • Need to come up with a few motivation examples
        • Anything to learn from virtual shelf experiments for subject libraries? Or idea of "new" items? How does one fine entry point for a subset browse? What audiences are most likely to use a browse? Is this something that might interest faculty/researchers more than undergrads (other way round to knowledge panels)?
        • This will be a track at the BL-LD meeting
  • Authority Lookups for Sinopia (Lookup infrastructure:, Authority requests:
    • Lynette has first stab at response time analysis, typical response from QA is 0.4-0.5s with about half and half between loading data from Dave/parsing graph, and then normalization in QA
    • Will look at concurrency next week
    • Dave has all of SVDE data loaded
  • Travel and meetings (see LD4P2 Cornell Meeting Attendances)
    • LD4 BL meeting September 23 week in Stanford
      • Huda, John, Steven going
    • European BIBFRAME Summit in September 16-17th-ish
      • Jason going and ARM/rare-cohort proposal accepted
    • Blacklight Summit will be at Duke, 9, 10, 11 October at Duke
      • Huda
    • Samvera Connect, week of October 21 (WUStL)
      • Lynette to present on QA (Simeon also going but not on LD4P funds)
    • Fall partner and cohort meeting in DC, November 12/13
    • 5th International LODLAM SUMMIT at the The Getty Center in Los Angeles. February 3-4, 2020
      • Steven is on the planning committee, Lynette and Simeon to apply
      • Expect to have a "tool challenge" - a competition before the conference
    • LD4 Conference at College Station, TX (TAMU) - May 2020
    • rdfs:seeAlso Conferences Related to Linked Data in Libraries
  • Next meetings:
    • Jason remote, Simeon out - 20 Sep
  • No labels