

  • monitoring VIVO 1.3 upgraded production site, finding some data upgrade quirks
  • working on VIVO 1.4 dev release, hoped to have a code freeze last Friday for a Nov release – code freeze moved to mid-next week, may push release to early Dec


  • key affiliate backed off of VIVO install – wondering about value proposition, more mature VIVO release – primary challenge is lack of authoritative systems to feed VIVO (would make VIVO the auth sys)
  • wondered if there are other institutions (16 depts, 2 campuses, 300 faculty) that are using VIVO as an authoritative source? Scripps sort of is...


  • asked about custom forms in v1.5 (e.g. Publications)
  • cleaning up data from v1.2-to-v1.3 upgrade
  • grad office proposed adding grad student and alumni profiles


  • learning, thinking about how to get data in


  • photos ingest working well
  • dev servers migrated to EC2 (v1.3), will then migrate data over, and then cut them over as production servers
  • delete 30 odd classes to clean up local ontology
  • XSLT for course ingest
  • PHP script that pull VIVO out to WordPress


  • VIVO implementation branded "Scholars at Duke"
  • how to get data from automated and public sources, institutional (HR), two legacy activity systems
  • plugging along with pilot orgs to help on a different VIVO skin (reduce white space)
  • integrating with Symplectic Elements (for managing publications data)

John Hopkins

  • some colleges use Activity Insight
  • working with HR to get data
  • mapping org data for departments


  • grad student testing v1.3 upgrade

Special Topics

  1. Writing VIVO into grants – tips, boilerplate?
  2. CTSA news
    1. 94% of 60 CTSA PIs voted for VIVO as the reference standard (shocking margin!)
    2. Elaine Collier NIH contact
    3. First standard put forth by CTSA Informatics working group
  3. CERAS (EuroCris) intent to collaborate – linked data task force
  4. StarMetrics
  5. John Hopkins implementor had a question about linking to department web sites directly, instead of an org individual page which then links to the department site
  6. Katy's group at Indiana built a VIVO for a smaller group separate from Indiana VIVO

Notable Implementation List Traffic

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