
Updates from attending institutions attending call not captured.

Special Topics

  1. Reminder: due to a bi-weekly meeting date in November falling on Thanksgiving Day, we'll be shifting that meeting and those that follow by a week. So after our November 10 meeting, the following meetings will be Dec 1, Dec 15, Dec 29, Jan 12, etc.
  2. Where are institutions at with VIVO 1.3?
  3. Request for VIVO 1.3 DB dumps provided from sites to development, for the purpose of testing the 1.3-->1.4 migration. Targeting sites who are already on 1.3 and are willing to do this, and to see whether they would need help in generating these db dumps. In the past, these came from all the grant sites, but for the 1.4 release not all of those have upgraded to 1.3 yet.
  4. Request to invite someone from Harvester team to talk about the latest Harvester features/plans
  5. Discuss Spring 2012 VIVO Implementation Workshop – timing, invitation list, tracks/theme
    1. Spring 2012 VIVO Implementation Workshop - still need to discuss if March 19-20 (or at least tagged with DrupalCon 2012) will work in Boulder.
  6. Discuss improvements to Implementation pages on wiki at the end of or after call
    1. Will be a small-working group to organize the wiki

Notable Implementation List Traffic

  • Solr problems on Ubuntu
  • pubmed harvester
  • Unable to generate SDB graph

Call-in Information

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  2. If requested, enter your name and email address.
  3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: vivo
  4. Click "Join".

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  1. Go to https://cufis.webex.com/cufis/mc
  2. On the left navigation bar, click "Support".

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