Looking for other Fedora users in your region? Check out the nearest Fedora User Group (FUG). FUGs are primarily used to organize face-to-face regional meetings once or twice per year, but they can also be used to discuss projects and opportunities for collaboration using the group mailing list. DuraSpace staff, including the Fedora Product Manager and Technical Lead, can often attend and present at regional meetings and potentially deliver Fedora workshops.

Below you will find information on current FUGs and instructions on starting a new user group.

Current Fedora User Groups


GroupMeeting FrequencyNext MeetingPrevious Meetings
German-Speaking Fedora UsersAnnualTBD

North America

GroupMeeting FrequencyNext MeetingPrevious Meetings
South Central States Fedora Users Group (contact via SCSFUG mailing list)Semi-annualTBD
Washington D.C. Area Fedora Users (contact via DCFUG mailing list)Semi-annualSummer 2020 (virtual united FUGs)

Inactive Fedora User Groups

GroupPrevious Meetings
Australasian Fedora Users

  • 2015-10-22

EU Fedora Users
UK & Ireland Fedora Users
Mid-Atlantic Fedora Users (contact via community mailing list)
Midwest Fedora Users
Northeast Fedora Users (contact via community mailing list)

Starting a Fedora User Group

If you'd like to start a regional Fedora user group, please follow these (suggested) steps:

  1. Post a message to the community mailing list to see who else in your area might be interested.
  2. Create a Google Group and invite anyone interesting in joining the group
  3. Use the new Google Group to plan and organize a face-to-face meeting
    1. Tools such as Doodle and Google Forms are useful for this purpose
  4. Secure a venue for the meeting
    1. Venues are typically provided free-of-charge by member institutions
  5. Solicit proposals for presentations and project updates from group members
    1. Proposals can be short - the purpose is to encourage participation at meetings
  6. Establish an agenda 
    1. Agendas typically include a mix of long and short presentations, and can also include unconference-style sessions
  7. Encourage others to join and grow the group