Friday, September 19, 2008, in extension of ECDL 2008, the day after the workshop on Digital Object Repository Systems in Digital Libraries.
We will start Thursday night at 19.00 with dinner and social networking for those interested.
The State and University Library
DK-8000 Århus C
Please note that the meeting starts before opening hours for the Library. There will be people to receive you in front of the main entrance, to let you in. If for some reason you arrive and no one is there, please phone +45 89462036.
If you arrive after 9:00AM you can enter the library from main entrance. You can ask in the reception for Meeting Room 1, and there will be signs showing the way.
For those who have attended the workshop "Digital Object Repository
Systems in Digital Libraries", it will be the day after, in the same location.
Travel information is available on the ECDL 2008 home page.
This will be a founding meeting of Fedora EU. Purpose will be introducing members and their projects, and discussing the future form and work of the Fedora EU User Group.
Participating is free including lunch and coffee Friday, although the dinner Thursday night will not be paid.
If you want to participate, please send an email to kfc@statsbiblioteket.dk, and please specify if you want to participate in the dinner Thursday night.
Sandra Payette from Fedora Commons has been kind enough to participate in this meeting.
Program Thursday
- 19.00 We meet for dinner at a restaurant (see below) and informal networking.
Preliminary Program Friday
- 08:00: Welcome to new Fedora users: session on setting up and running Fedora (GUI and basic architecture).
- 09.30: FedoraEU members arrive for coffee
- 10:00: "Inaugural Speech" by Sandy Payette, Executive Director, Fedora Commons
- 10:30: Minute introduction madness: each person in attendance introduces themselves quickly and their use of Fedora
- 10.45: Coffee Break
- 11:00: Project Presentation (5-10min)
- Add your project below
- 12:45: Short Update on Fedora Commons Outreach, Wiki and Community building (Carissa Smith, Fedora Commons)
- 13.00: LUNCH
- 14:00: Questions and Answers with Sandy Payette
- 14.30: small group discussions on FedoraEU and what it is and what it wants to accomplish
- 15.30: large group discussion prompted by small group discussions
- 16.30: free-for all networking
- 17.00: ciao and one last beer
Project presentations
Please add your project here, if you wish to make a presentation in the slot from 11.00 to 13.00.
- Trifork.com: OIO-kataloget, danish repository for technical standards and interface descriptions.
Projekt presentation available (in danish) at Softwarebørsen - Matthias Razum (FIZ Karlsruhe): Fedora Performance and Scalability Tests
- Andreas Hense (FH Bonn-Rhein-Sieg): wikiDORA
- Andreas Aschenbrenner (SUB Göttingen): Fedora Infrastructure Patterns (if he can make it early enough for the meeting)
- David F. Flanders Fedorazon
Currently, the following participants are registered
Name |
Organisation |
Dinner |
Sandy Payette |
spayette(at)fedora-commons.org |
Fedora Commons, USA |
Yes |
Carissa Smith |
carissa(at)cs.cornell.edu |
Fedora Commons, USA |
Yes |
Kåre Fiedler Christiansen |
kfc(at)statsbiblioteket.dk |
The State And University Library, Denmark |
Yes |
Asger Blekinge-Rasmussen |
abr(at)statsbiblioteket.dk |
The State And University Library, Denmark |
Yes |
Morten Grouleff |
mgr(at)trifork.com |
Trifork A/S, Denmark |
No |
Jakob Færch |
jrf(at)trifork.com |
Trifork A/S, Denmark |
No |
Lodewijk Bogaards |
Lodewijk.Bogaards(at)dans.knaw.nl |
DANS, Netherlands |
Yes |
Matthias Razum |
Matthias.Razum(at)FIZ-Karlsruhe.DE |
FIZ Karlsruhe, Germany |
Yes |
Peri Stracchino |
ps552(at)york.ac.uk |
University of York, England |
No |
Gert Schmeltz Pedersen |
gsp(at)dtic.dtu.dk |
Technical Knowledge Center of Denmark |
Yes |
Andreas Hense |
andreas.hense(at)fh-bonn-rhein-sieg.de |
Fachhochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Germany |
Yes |
Andreas Aschenbrenner |
aschenbrenner(at)sub.uni-goettingen.de |
University of Göttingen, Germany |
Yes |
Andreas Nef |
a.nef(at)docuteam.ch |
Docuteam GmbH, Archivdienstleistungen, Switzerland |
Yes |
Uwe Klosa |
uwe.klosa(at)ub.uu.se |
Uppsala University, Sweden |
Yes |
Neil Dickson |
Neil.Dickson(at)LIB.monash.edu.au |
ARROW Project, Monash University Library, Australia |
Yes |
David F. Flanders |
d.flanders(at)bloomsbury.ac.uk |
Birkbeck, University of London, England |
Yes |
Richard Wright |
richard.wright(at)bbc.co.uk |
BBC Future Media & Technology, UK |
Yes |
Rob Davis |
rob.davies(at)mdrpartners.com |
MDR Partners, UK |
no |
Mary Rowlatt |
mary.rowlatt(at)mdrpartners.com |
MDR Partners, UK |
no |
David Hansson |
David.Hansson(at)ub.lu.se |
Universitetsbiblioteket, Lunds universitet, Sweden |
yes |
Arent J. Bosman |
a.j.bosman(at)tudelft.nl |
TU Delft, Netherlands |
yes |
Dinner arrangements
Dinner will be at the restaurant White Elephant
Homepage: http://www.white-elephant.dk/
Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=white+elephant,+%C3%A5rhus,+denmark&ie=UTF8&ll=56.1589,10.209324&spn=0.010492,0.012617&t=h&z=16&iwloc=A
Table has been reserved in the name "Kåre Christiansen"
In the lack of decent Danish cuisine, we will default to Asian