
The core Islandora module establishes a connection between the front-end Drupal website and the the back-end Fedora Commons repository. Installing and enabling the Islandora module adds an Islandora Repository link to your site's Navigation menu, and an Islandora link to the Administration panel.


None - Islandora 7.x.1.1 can be enabled with no other required modules.

Despite requiring no modules as dependencies, without the Islandora Basic Collection module, the Islandora module will be effectively useless.


Release Notes and Downloads


A complete installation guide can be found at the page Installing the Islandora Module.


Basic instructions for using the Islandora module can be found in Chapter 3 - Getting Started with Islandora


Configuration options for the Islandora module can be found on your site at http://path.to.your.site/admin/islandora/configure, and includes the following options:

General Configuration


It may be convenient to set up namespace restrictions on your site - for example, to prevent sharing of objects across multiple sites using the same installation. Restrictions entered can use the following formats: