
Attendees at the first in-person meeting of the LD4P Cohort identified two kinds of groups that will help move our work forward:

Existing groups

LD4P2 Working Groups

LD4 Affinity Groups

Starting a new group and setting up communication and documentation channels:

New groups can follow the setup of these existing groups, or use this extensive Community Engagement Project / Group Template developed during the first phase of LD4P.

Some commonly used communication and documentation channels and tips for setup:

Channel purposeTips
Email distribution listSet up a public group using Google Groups 
Repository for code and documentationCreate a new repository in the LD4P Github organization
Shared document storage and collaborative editingSet up a Google drive folder. LD4P2 has a public folder that anyone can add to.
Wiki for communication and documentation

Create new pages here in the LD4P2 Wiki. You need a Duraspace account and permission to edit. Contact Michelle Futornick to get set up. This space uses Confluence and is hosted for us by Duraspace. (Thanks Duraspace!)

Quick and informal messagingSet up a new channel in the public LD4 Slack workspace (address of the workspace is, but use the invite link to join the workspace).