Contribute to the DSpace Development Fund

The newly established DSpace Development Fund supports the development of new features prioritized by DSpace Governance. For a list of planned features see the fund wiki page.

Meeting Details


Discussion items



DSpace 7 UpdateTim

Discussion: Communicating about What's In DSpace 7: Review of draft general message (not documentation)—focus not only what is new but what are main features (Draft version at )

  • Next steps towards finalization


DSpace 7 Update

  • First developer meeting after break was held last week, catching up from mid-December.
  • Timelines for OR presentations?
  • Aim is to have an alpha version of DSpace 7 ready to demo which will not be complete
  • An update talk and 2 workshops have been submiitted
  • The workshops will be developer-oriented, since features will not be complete can't do ws appropriate for repo managers

Discussion: Communicating about What's In DSpace 7

Jose reviewed an excellent draft document: (Thank you!)

He will revise to include "core features" for review next week.

Action items



Revise "What's In DSpace 7" doc to emphasize/clarify "core featuresJosé Carvalho

Review revised "What's In DSpace 7" doc adding comments and questions by next meeting Jan 31

Ask Maureen Walsh ( ) to be included on the Feb DCAT agenda
Present revised "What's In DSpace 7" doc to DCAT for comments and questions to DCAT
Present revised "What's In DSpace 7" doc to DCAT for comments and questions to DSpace Steering GroupTim Donohue

timelines for OR: have an alpha version which will not be complete

updte talk and 2 workshops

ws—developer-oriented, because not fertile complete cant do a repo managers

Actions  3

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