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Calls are held every Thursday at 1 pm eastern time – convert to your time at


  • Ontology Working Group: next call is Thursday, April 17 at noon EST/ 9 am PST – note proposed new time

    • addressing persistent VIVO URIs and related issues

    • next call will be focused on datasets and dataset ontologies, including options to engage with a W3C working group active in that area

  • The next Apps & Tools call is April 15

    • A great call with Violete Ilik from Texas A&M demonstrating  -- she has recorded special specific YouTube videos on how to ingest data into VIVO

    • Find links to YouTube videos of all previous calls there

    • Alex Rademacher (IBM Brazil) and getting specialized data into RDF and then into VIVO

    • Apps and Tools workshop at the conference. Looking for participants to do demos -- looking for the best ways to create, use, visualize VIVO data and would love to have additional authors and help

  • 2014 VIVO Conference Call for Paper/Poster/Panel Proposals is open – deadline extended to Friday, April 11

Upcoming Activities 

  • First annual survey of VIVO sites

  • Will be circulating to working group leads for review and will then put it out more widely

    • designed to be one survey per site, that can be passed from one team member to another

  • We are thinking of using this call next week as time for facilitated survey submission from participating sites  


  • Brown (Steve) -- working on getting more pieces needed for release, and then on adding additional publications in prep for release in early May

    • will let us know when we can take a look at it

  • Cornell (Jim, Huda, Brian, Jon)

    • Release 1.6.1 release candidate 3 -- finding some small bugs but we each have other projects -- looking to get this thing tested and out the door

    • At this point we don’t anticipate another bug release before 1.7 -- sometimes difficult to determine when to defer the release for new bugs that crop up

    • The current code is always in the 1.6 maintenance branch on GitHub

  • Duke (Patrick)

    • Initial feedback after rolling out to our A&S school.  Most of the feedback Julia and the provost office has been handling. We are going to be making a couple of tweaks. We have also gotten feedback on potential enhancements/changes to the search results. Still collecting those before making changes.

      • Some faculty didn’t see the “more” button at the bottom of their publications

      • Law School would like to see changes in some of the search results, to have only a named person to show up

      • Julia: “Rollout and fallout”

      • updating to 4.6 version of Elements API

      • released our ontology extensions including artistic works ( and the vivo_mapper we use for our data ingests on Github ( We will email the group with more details.

  • Florida

    • Sending 3 folks out to American Medical Informatics Association Clinical Research Informatics/Translational Biomedical Informatics conference to present 2 posters on VIVO work.

    • Added 6000 sponsors to our VIVO (NIH, NSF, etc…) and manually cleaned them up -- have categorized as companies, governmental organizations, etc.

    • closed almost 280 “Data Quality” issues on our github DQ site: 

      • has really helped to have a directed effort towards improving data quality

    • Adding building numbers & locations, ? Need help/advice with the best way to store LAT and LONG in VIVO. aka ontology+label examples?

      • where would you put that? have people’s phone numbers and have the location in buildings based on network jacks

      • Eric -- Profiles has latitude and longitude

        • added a property so anything could have it

        • may not be ontologically the best thing to do

      • Do it through the VCard?

        • Brian -- DBPedia uses the W3C WGS84 geo ontology that has properties for latitude and longitude 

        • as long as those are pretty generic properties in terms of domain restrictions, those are likely the best bet

  • Memorial University (John and Max)

    • Are interested in following the discussion on tagging latitude and longitude to tag projects and other work that academics are doing, so they can be put on a map at some point

    • testing VAGRANT on an Ubuntu install

    • digging ourselves out -- summer is August 1 to August 20 -- a 50 centimeter snowfall in spring is now called a sprinter

  • UCSF (Eric)

    • Diving back into the cross-linking project and hopes to talk about at the project

    • Crawling a bunch of data and switching over to a Fuseki back end from a relational one. Crawling about 20 institutions and putting in coordinates based on the institution, but Profiles has coordinates on the individuals

    • Working with JSON-LD -- the crosslinks tool spits that out for the co-authors, and JSON-LD has advantages. If work with the JSON-LD raw, is not easy to work with, but if goes through a parser there are built-in functions that will do things like pull out all the people to make it easier to work with, and becomes a smaller data packet to send over the wire. Will have it live on UCSF Profiles soon -- in one case have found co-authors at over 20 different institutions

  • Virginia Tech (Julie and Keith)

    • Learning ontologies and SPARQL

    • Elements project is moving forward and have first call with the Symplectic team tomorrow to plan implementation

      • have Web of Science but not Scopus

      • we have Digital Measures -- will be migrating data from that application to Elements

      • had one preliminary meeting with local people on importing data from Banner

      • Cornell has a pathway from Digital Measures (Activity Insight) to VIVO and from VIVO to Elements, and will be developing a pathway from Elements to Activity Insight as well as to the VIVO 1.6 ontology

  • Weill Cornell (Paul)

    • VIVO Dashboard (did I share this before?)

    • we *think* we (Eliza) have succeeded in backporting cache awareness to 1.5.2 and committed the changes to the source; looking forward to promoting it to production before even before moving to 1.6???

    • our performance test results in case anyone is curious - 

      • the Ithaca team is loading Weill

    • Harvester question

      • sent an email on a Saturday -- several ways to use the Harvester to bring in data, with one being to directly match against records in VIVO and another to indirectly use a third source

      • what is the prevailing practice?

        • Patrick -- don’t use the Harvester but do match directly against the triples the data

        • Cornell -- option B

        • Florida does Amazon RDS that does real-time syncing, but could be done with MySQL

          • database with 21 million triples is just 4 Gb so not necessarily large in scope in comparison

          • and the rate of change in transaction input is not that high -- more like dozens per

        • John Fereira will be the maintainer for the Harvester, and Ted and Chris Barnes have offered to facilitate the process; Stephen Williams is still available to answer questions and suggest changes

Notable list traffic

  • 1.6.1 bug fix release candidate 3 being prepared for testing -- and more of the tests are being automated

  • Where is the documentation on using the search indexer to only index certain URLs -- a new wiki page created

  • Ontology questions

  • Thanks for wiki updates by Patrick West from the Deep Carbon Initiative

  • Still looking for someone with Active Directory experience for

  • See the vivo-dev-all archive and vivo-imp-issues archive for complete email threads

  • Funny Tweet of the day:  The right and wrong way to build incrementally.

  •  BkJlCEJCEAIM8eL.jpg 

Call-in Information

  • Date: Every Thursday, no end date
  • Time: 1:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
  • Meeting Number: 641 825 891

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