(Carol, rec)

'Where does the rubber hit the road?" What is the most exciting aspect around Fedora development?

--Sprinting, does not totally use up our resource; development process is available for those who want to learn; like the process

--sell this to out leadership is the community aspect; we are joining a process with a bunch of other major institutions

--like the idea of engaging the non-developer community

--hughely helpful to spread the investment in the technology beyond the technology staff; how can we helo/pfoster this aspect

--arch that is well documented and test coverage is a huge win; interoperatble and adheres to essential element of the arc; addressing Fedora 3s pain points

--Community aspect of how to move it forward

--engaging the tech folks; hard to pick only one feature from 4; working actively with researcher community on campus

--triple store (Partitck Yott); fully linked data and modularity for media files and data sets

--pleased with no workarounds in Fedora--what it can do rather than what it can't

--too hard to implement in the past, now Fedora 3 on IRODs how much simpler out live will be with 4

--we are actually developing Fedora again, most important

--triple store

--product integrations is very exciting and learning what others are planning

--trials and performance; strong platform for future services and very important; now have a strong foundation

How many people find that the Fedora process is bleeding back into their internal development?

--yes, invaluable

--got rid of the "lone gunslinger" paradigm in my shop; all collaborative

--synchronizing our in-house sprints with the Fedora team

--Blacklight spotlight for exhibits team has upped their schedule

What kind of questions concerns or prerequisites do you have? Who is our chief worrier?

--3x and earlier migration path?

--how do we get people to get interested in the project and drive development? Add use cases

--Production repo with half a million objects; what is the interim to migrating that one?

----Is there a notion of how institutions will approach this issue? Best practices etc.

--Scalability. We have identified collections that could represent a 1000 % growth in the next 2 years

--Acceleration of born digital collections

--Race for media and want to get an Avalon system in place fast (Stanford)

--How closely are Hydra, Islandora and Hydramata tracking the release of Fedora 4

-----how will Fedora 4 revolutionize Hydra?

--What is the true carrying cost of Fedora for an organization

--What is the timing for someone just getting into this (Fedora-Hydra development)

--Starting with Fedora and then having to migrate to F4

--Would be bad if a lot of delays started happening with F4 release

--Staffing levels fluctuating

--Financial question: what will it cost to move this project forward

----Endowments for investments as a strategy

----Expand the market outside of libraries?

----once we have a release contributions may increase because the product will be so strong

----effort beyond word of mouth and marketing? Training sessions may expand the base: now you can install it and it works

--Some community members do not want to migrate because F3 is running well

--FedoraDirect (on DuraCloud) would be great (like DSpaceDirect)

What and when is your next step moving forward?

--Different migration path: from not Fedora to Fedora 4; let's get it out the door

----would you be a pilot and consider documenting your experience (USC)?

--Metics, preservation policy implementation, digitize theses, integration with systems and linking data; not sure about F3 or F4

--Depend on staffing; take on our storage architecture and handling continuity

--Complete local Hydra generic repository; bang on the F4 beta when its released

--Proposal for a pilot with F4

--VTech and DuraSpace research cases grant applications

--Working with Hydra community on F4

--Avalon funding period is almost over, working with Columbia and others on next steps; Hydromeda as an IR; budgeting for sustainability is a big inst issue locally

--Hydra work with DCE and institutional management work and the budget work that comes with that

--No staff, hiring people


--Additional developer, April timeframe for understanding what Hydra on Fedora 4 will look like

--Migrate from Fedora 2.7; streaming media for restricted campus materials in the future

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