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Under Construction

This page is still being converted from HTML. Please help us get this page up to date.

This page is the byproduct of a discussion at OR07 about Fedora User Interfaces. We want to keep a running list on this wiki of Fedora UI Projects. Please add your own projects to the list and please update the information contained therein, especially if you have links or contact info for any of the projects. Don't hesitate to add your project, even if you're just contemplating it.

We want to make connections between possible collaborators. Also feel free to rearrange the list if you know of a better way to express the pertinent info.


For_each project listed below, we would like to know:

  • Contact(s) – Please create an account on the Wiki
  • Project name
  • A one sentence summary
  • Implementation language(s)
  • Completion status – If not released, do you intend to release it? On what schedule?
  • Project URL(s)
  • Open Source License or Commercial

Active/Known Fedora UI Projects

University of Queensland


Christiaan Kortekaas c dot kortekaas at library dot uq dot edu dot au

Project Name



End User Interface








  • Ingest & Cataloging Tools
  • Perl
  • Beta
  • End User Interface
  • Java/Tapestry
  • Concept
Ohio Digital Resource Commons (DRC)
  • _An end-user interface with the ability for content in the repository to be scoped and branded based on varied HTTP 'Host' headers, simulating a virtual server environment.
  • JEE application using the JBoss Seam framework with JavaServer Faces and EJB3
  • Currently in early development
  • URLs: Project_management_website; Subversion source code repository
  • Contact: Peter_Murray
Bulk ingest client to Fedora 'diringest'
  • Based on a directory of content and a tab-delimited_file of metadata, builds a ZIP file of FOXML objects suitable for feeding into the Fedora 'diringest' interface.
  • Cross-platform desktop application written in the Netbeans Rich UI (this is a stand-alone application; Netbeans is not required on user machines); currently in late beta
  • URLs: Subversion source code repository
  • Contact: mailto.lynnaatOhioLINK.edu_Lynna_Cekova

ANU & University of Queensland

  • Submission Package for Manakin: Java, Cocoon; Concept

Indiana University (Infrastructure_project)

Contact: Ryan_Scherle

  • Ingest Tool: Java application; Alpha
  • Image cataloging tool: Java; Concept
  • Sheet Music cataloging tool: Java application; Beta
  • SRU Server:_Java; Late Beta – integrating with OCLC SRU Server
  • PURL Resolver: Java servlet; Ready for release
  • METS Navigator: Java_Struts; Released; Fedora-MetsNav_integration
  • Search Webapp (search GUI based on SRU server): Java Struts; Beta

Indiana University (Eviada project)

Contact: Will Cowan

  • Video annotator_tool: Java application; Beta
  • Video search/view tool: Java servlet, Flash?; Prototype
  • Thesaurus editing tool (integrates with other tools, not Fedora directly): Java, Oracle; Prototype

Tufts University

Contact: Nikolai Schwertner

  • Ingest Tool: Java application; Alpha
  • Naming Service: Java webapp; Beta;
  • Digital Library Application: Java webapp; Released;

University of Hull (RepoMMan Project)

Contact: Richard_Green

  • Interface to allow Fedora repository to be used as a development space for materials as well as a showcase. Tool provides interaction with private user area and automatic metadata generation prior to 'publication'. RepoMMan web site
  • Private Repository: Java, Flex; RC1
  • Web_Services: BPEL
  • End User UI: Elated (plus mod to work with F2.1.1 in secure mode); Released
  • End User UI: MURA (see DRAMA entry)


Contact: Matthias Razum

  • eSciDoc is as a joint project of the Max Planck Society and FIZ Karlsruhe, with the aim to realize a next-generation platform for communication and publication in research organizations.
  • JEE service oriented architecture
  • eSciDoc Infrastructure implements a middleware with Fedora as its core
    • Search service integrating GSearch and OCLC's SRW/U server
    • Workflow Manager using JBoss jBPM
    • Technical Metadata Extraction using JHOVE
    • Versioning of complex objects (aware of atomistic content models)
  • eSciDoc_Solutions add generic or discipline-specific e-Science applications on top of the infrastructure
  • Current status between pre-alpha and beta, depending on service. Released under Common Development and Distribution License.


Contact: MediaShelf, LLC

  • _Ruby_Client_Library RubyFedora; Released
  • Integration with Ruby on Rails: ActiveFedora; Alpha
  • Fedora Batch Content Migration utilities; Private Release
  • Management & End User UI: Ruby on Rails; Planning
  • XForms Disseminators: XForms, XSL, Fedora CMA; Experimental

Digital Repository Authorization Middleware Architecture - DRAMA (Australia)

Digital Peer Publishing, DiPP (Germany)

DiPP is an Open Access Initiative and network of peer reviewed eJournals.
It provides a hosted publishing platform with review - and publishing workflows, document conversion, persistent identifiers, etc.

University of Prince Edward Island (Canada)

Contact: mailto.mleggottatupei.ca_Mark_Leggott

  • UPEI will be using Fedora for a number of projects, although the VRE Project (Virtual Research Environment) will provide the model for a range of components/functions.
  • GUI: Drupal will be one of primary interfaces, using the Groups capability to provide context information to Fedora on Who/Where so that a back-end component (currently called PIDlet and being built in Java) can serve up an appropriate form for ingestion.
  • Timeline: We hope to have an initial Drupal/Fedora prototype by October 07.

The Bloomsbury Colleges, University of London

Sharing Objects Under Repository Control w/ Everyone
  • Status: Funding from November 2006 to October 2008
  • Fedora_Versions: 1.1.1 forward
  • Contributor: University of London's Birkbeck College Library as part of the Bloomsbury Colleges Consortium funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) [David F. Flanders

  • Create bulk-migration service and demonstrator tool (based on OKI-OSID APIs) enabling the bulk-migration of content to/from Fedora and other repository services (currently working with ePrints, DSpace, Intralect Intralibrary, HarvestRoad Hive, The Learning Edge's Equella)

Fedorazon (Fedora on Amazon Web Services EC2 & S3)

APT GDocs (Appropriate and Practical Technologies)
  • Status: Funding from Feb 2008 to Summer 2009
  • Fedora version: 3.0 forward
  • Contributor The Bloomsbury Learning_Environment (BLE)
  • Website:
  • Description: Integrating Google Documents with Fedora

University of South Australia

ARROW / University of Southern Queensland

Contact: Bron Chandler

Rumored Projects

Integration of Fedora & Blackboard – Blackboard is coming to OR08 and is claiming to have interfaced with Fedora?

Also see

UI Design and Usability Resources

Any good links to info about Usability and Information Architecture for Repositories?

Making Fedora RESTful

NIST Standard for Gathering UI Requirements

Project Planning the User Interface

Common Industry Format for Usability Test Reports

Basic Search UI

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